

I picked up a used copy of the Queen Innuendo record this afternoon, I listened to it all the way back from a class in the city, that is in between listening to the metal and rock stations on the satellite radio...
I used to own this on cassette back in the day. I personally loved the record and to me it seems to have aged well, despite Mercury's health issues, I think it's a great record!
sixxswine said:
I picked up a used copy of the Queen Innuendo record this afternoon, I listened to it all the way back from a class in the city, that is in between listening to the metal and rock stations on the satellite radio...
I used to own this on cassette back in the day. I personally loved the record and to me it seems to have aged well, despite Mercury's health issues, I think it's a great record!

I'd have to agree. It is a good record. The last few records of Queen were quite good.
Nice coincidence Sixx, as I was watching Queen vids yesterday, including the brilliant Innuendo stuff.
When you know Freddie couldn't sing for more than a few minutes in the studio at the time and yet he managed to deliver such a stunning performance on that record, it just shows how much the guy loved (writing/recording/singing) music.
I don't care much about Queen, but "Innuendo" has among the songs I ike ther most from them kind if they saved the best for last.
The s/t song is IMO the best one they ever wrote, full of complexity, passion,and angst. The classical guitar in the middle just kick serious ass for me.

NP: World Below - 'Sacrifices To The Moon'
You know that was the first Queen record I went out and bought. I was familiar with their stuff, but never bought anything by them. I started with this record and worked my way back. Anotherr cool thing was how Z-Rock played the shit out of all the tracks on this record, despite the fact that most of the U.S. Press panned it. This record aged well and like some have already stated, for a fellow with the health issues that Mercury had, he went out on top.
sixxswine said:
I a have to revist The Miracle. That's another disc that I haven't replaced since the cassette died on me. This was the second Queen record I ever bought... I Want It All is great....

And "Breakthru" of course... :)
'Breaktrough' actually dissapointed me because I listened to it after 'I Want It All' that hit me like a bullet train. I was totally in awe to hear Queen playing like that (considering 'Body Language' and 'Radio Ga-Ga' in thier recent resume), up to this day that song rocks me all the way everytime it sound on radio.

NP: Praying Mantis - 'Nowhere To Run'
i was always a bigger fan of thier early stuff-a day at the races,night at the opera,news of the world.there was some pretty way out tunes on those albums,mixed up with the singles they released in the 70's and early 80's.
all in all tho,an awsome band,got me into guitar orientated music,if you know what i mean.
baldyboy said:
i was always a bigger fan of thier early stuff-a day at the races,night at the opera,news of the world.there was some pretty way out tunes on those albums,mixed up with the singles they released in the 70's and early 80's.
all in all tho,an awsome band,got me into guitar orientated music,if you know what i mean.

Hey Baldy !! Good to see you around. I hope you guys make it to "The South" (Southeast US) soon. Panic Cell sure are some road dogs. Your boys still enjoying the ESP guitars ?

hey bryant.great to see fatherhoods not taking up every minute.i know what it can be like!
its good to be around at the mo-only free time i've had for ages.
the mojo tour looks pretty much set,but we're only doing the west coast side of things-nearest we're gonna be getting to you my friend is the last date i think,which is sheduled for memphis!
sorry about that.
as for the esp's.hell yeah,the guys love em.great guitars and a great company too.they look after thier artists very well.
baldyboy said:
hey bryant.great to see fatherhoods not taking up every minute.i know what it can be like!
its good to be around at the mo-only free time i've had for ages.
the mojo tour looks pretty much set,but we're only doing the west coast side of things-nearest we're gonna be getting to you my friend is the last date i think,which is sheduled for memphis!
sorry about that.
as for the esp's.hell yeah,the guys love em.great guitars and a great company too.they look after thier artists very well.

Unfortunately, with the little one, Memphis is probably a little to far for me to travel to. It is possible though. There is more than raising a Son going on in my life as well though. I am shopping for a new house/selling mine. It is much more of a feat than I thought it would be. You guys just stay together though and if nothing else, I'll see you on the next go around.

Glad to hear Bobby, Kelley and Harj are digging the ESPs.
