Insane Guitar Tone

Guitars sound brutal, a bit too much Periphery-ish IMHO, but nonetheless meaty. :) Looking forward to hear the rest of the song :D
Sounds very professional. For me the most important instruments in a mix are vocals, kick and snare. I feel like the vocals sounded good at 0:22 but the reverby vocals gave a very generic and un-interesting vibe. I thought the snare was ok... it doesn't have any ringing so I'm guessing it's been heavily EQ'd. I like snares that ring so I'd boost the mids a bit on that maybe. The kick was not my thing at all but I hear that kind of a kick in industrial records all the time. To me it sounds like like fapping. :) Kick is also known as "bass drum" but where is the bass? :)

Guitars are cool. You'll surely be thought of as Periphery fanboys but I'm guessing you don't have a problem with that. :)
for anyone who's wondering the guitars were POD HD PRO, i think he might have used an ENGL Pre amp aswel
Does Anyone Have an Opinion on the drums? we think they sound a litte too blatantly programmed, is it severely noticeable to you guys? like mor-so than on other programmed tracks
The drums definetly don't sound programmed, but of course it's obvious they're samples. The kick could use a little less high end and more oomph in the 60-70hz area, but then they'd cloud up the amazingly fucking awesome guitars. I guess you need to make some thing smaller to make other things huge.