Inside Out Video


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
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Okay, I just had this dumb thought while I was watching the Inside Out video.

If I was on a plane, and I looked out the window and saw Anthrax jamming, I wouldn't freak out. I'd be like woo-hoo!! Free concert!! Hope they don't fall!! And then if no one else saw them, it would just prove to me that I was on a plane full of sucky people who weren't worthy enough of Anthrax's presence. The only way I would start yelling is if they just played Inside Out and then left, cause one song is just not a gig.

This is what I think about when I'm left alone. Scary isn't it?

Just thought I would share this with my fellow fans.
I live in Minnesota, and we have a kick ass metal scene. Yet Anthrax never makes it here. I had tickets when they were on the monsters of rock tour, and they were off it before they got here. Megadeth was awsome but me, and many of the fans there would have rather seen Anthrax instead of Motley Crue. No offense to the crue, but They are not in the same league as Megadeth and Anthrax. Anyways enough whining about not getting to see them live, I think it would be awsome to look out my window and see Anthrax jamming out in the yard pissing off all the neighbors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p
Maybe this would get people flying again. strap a band to a wing and make them do a concert for the people inside relayed through speakers. ok, the sound might be a bit sucky but no worse than listening to a bootleg. you could charter private planes so just Anthrax fans were on board then join the mosh mile high club where even the pilot does a bit of crowd surfing. I might start a new thread bands you'd like to see tired to wings. personally i'd like to see winger 'cause that would be ironic.
think i,d better go to bed now "Time for your medication Mr Louse"
Do you mean "Maximum Rock"? You said Monster's of Rock.
Anthrax was the only reason I went to Maximum Rock. I was lucky enough to see them, but they only played about 6 songs.
I can't wait until they headline, hopefully this summer!!
I went to the Maximum Rock show even though Anthrax cancelled because I figured that at least with Motley Crue playing there would be a lot of hot, sleazy chicks there. The chicks there were the same chicks that were there 15 years ago and they were squeezing thier fat asses into the same spandex they wore in high school. I drank entirely too much and woke up the next morning in my buddy's front lawn laying in my own piss. I hate Motley Crue.....

I like the INSIDE OUT video just b/c its an exact takeoff on that old episode of the twilight zone "there some thing on the wing!" lol ( you gotta do the paused Shatner acting method on that one)
Another good one is the video for FUELED. Another takeoff on an old horror movie (not christine). I remember seeing that movie THE CAR on late night t.v. when I was little, and the cool thing is in the video, at the end, the band is in the car running ppl down.
My favorite is the video for NOTHING, where the band has "infected" a cow w/ thats a classic video. They show part of the cow magnified by 10000 times or something and you see Scott jumping around....funny shit! At the end a guy askes this farmer " Hey whats wrong w/ your cow?" the farmer just says " Nothing."

Originally posted by gregthraX
I like the INSIDE OUT video just b/c its an exact takeoff on that old episode of the twilight zone "there some thing on the wing!" lol ( you gotta do the paused Shatner acting method on that one)

The Simpsons also did a takeoff on that twilight zone. In one of the Halloween episodes, Bart is riding the bus and he keeps looking out at a gremlin who is on the side of the bus and is trying to destroy it.
So whats up with Dell? I have a Dell, bought it just to help the American economy I love my Dell. Oh have Anthrax playing inside the plane let me check, doh! i,d got them playing on the wing why am I so foolish, curse my father for his genes of dementia. I must post sensibly I must post sensibly I must post sensibly:rolleyes:
My brain was not working when I saw the nothing video cause I had to watch it like three times to figure out what was going on. Duh. Excuse me for my blond moment. Fueled is the best at the end when they're in the car, makes the whole video worth watching another 100 times. But is it me, or does the captain in Inside Out look like he's only about 18 or 20?? Yeah, I'd want THAT guy flying my plane.
In the commercials for DeLL... the blonde kid always says "Dude! You're gettin' a DeLL!" They play it all the fucking time down here.
I caught DeLL fever and had to say it. I'm not slamming DeLL or their customers.
ANNOUNCEMENT! THIS JUST IN! At I just purchased VOL.8! They had 2 and I got 'em both.....YES I am a greedy bastard! No, I don't care! In 4 days I can finally put this beat up cassette of mine out to stud.
BRAT if you ever need a copy ripped I'M THE MAN. Just since you were kind enough to offer to make me a new tape, I owe it to you.