
I deal with insomnia at the weirdest gets really bad for a few weeks (like 6-8 hours of sleep a week) then completely goes away for a month or two. Then comes back with a turrble' vengeance and I can't sleep at all.

Jeff's right (duh), don't fight it. Don't try to make yourself sleep, it only keeps you up 'cause you're concentrating on sleeping. The best way to deal with it is do a lot during the day, chill for a few hours before attempting to sleep. No internet, no alcohol/tobacco/weed, no computer or TV, nothing to get your mind going. Eventually your body gets bored of doing nothing and shuts down.
I had almost a week of insomnia for no reason last late december (a day after christmas). No matter how much I rolled around, I couldn't get sleep at all :P You just laid there and nothing happened. It seemed to fix after I resumed exercising. But since you already exercise, I think you could try the other way around - stop exercising for about a week and see if it's any better. You might be getting too much exercise, which can lead to overtraining and that in turn can also cause insomnia and other more serious issues, including death due to heart failure!
Hahaha, yeah, I wrote that album in a week when I couldn't sleep.

Night one of insomnia = all backing compositions (rhtyhm guitars, drums, synth, etc)
Night two = leads
Night three = Tracking
Night four = finalize everything

So I guess that was good, ;)

your problems with sleep were my problems for almost 10 years ...

meditate. Not crazy "ohmmmmmm!" shit or whatever. Just start training yourself to relax and focus on one thing in particular, something soothing. It works. No drugs/alcohol or whatever else required.
I've had severe insomnia when I was 19. Went through some sort of crisis you could say. I used to lay awake in bed from 1 AM to 6 AM and then sleep for a tiny few hours and wake up again. Laying awake in bed made me EXTREMELY frustrated and mad, it fucked everything up, it fucked me up. It started getting better after a couple months, and that was like 3 years ago, but I still can't sleep like I used to. I used to be able to just go to bed 10 PM, but ever since that shit happened, it is very rare for me to sleep before 12 AM.

Anyway, what I wanted to say is that it is very important to not let the frustration from insomnia take thing over. You have to accept it, and know that a LOT of people suffer from insomnia at some or several points in their lives, and it is not dangerous as long as you get a few hours of sleep between the days. I went to doctors... oh trust me I did, but they couldn't do shit for me other than pumping out pills but I'm no fan of pills either. What ultimately helped me was myself, and you can do the same.

The source of the problem seems to be the way you are living your life. Usually, a good way to measure stress for me is exactly like you describe; if you can't stop thinking about stuff related to your everyday life when going to bed. It's one thing to have your head full during the day, but as soon as you have it during the night/in bed, you've got too much stuff going on. Also, if you have the sensation of a heat wave coming from your abdomen, continuing up towards your head, you're definately stressed.

"You gotta chill man" - The Omnidimensional Creator ;)
I've had serious insomnia before my exams, I pulled 2 all nighters with no sleep, or maybe 2 or 3 hours total over the two nights. Our house got broken into twice when we were home, so I often lie awake and can hear little noises and stuff. It fucked up my exams big time, combined with having flu.

Now that the exams are gone I can sleep fine, its intensly annoying, but it shows it was stress related, so getting rid of that is the best way to go (and I know it sounds stupid because its so easy to say.)

Hi dude,

I had similar problems (ear ringing, tinnitus etc) I could not sleep as well. I found a useful method to sleep: Sea noise! Get a long lasting, pleasent sounding audiosample and press the repeat button on your CD-player. Just try it, it really helps! Imagine you are at the beach and nobody, nothing annoys you!