Insomnium - Across the dark lead tone

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
How is it so smooth? Its almost as if its a synth. It stands out in the mix so well too, i just don't get it. I couldn't find a way to get a hold of Samu Oittinen from Fantom Studios or i would have done that. If anyone has any info on this album please share.

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WTF? That song isn't on my version of the record.

LOVE this band. This info is in no way confirmed, but I remember hearing that their tones from this album were Mesa dual or triple rectifier and an Ibanez TS. Would be great to get some confirmation though, as I love the tones as well.

Edit: Just saw they have an ep with two songs not on the record, including that one. Downloading now! God this band is amazing.
yeah that song is only on the Japanese something or other version. Anyone else have any info? I think its a really unique sounding album compared to most metal production. Everything blends very well and everything can be heard very well. I hated it when i first heard it (i think mainly because of the mastering, everything sounded way to squashed) but when i got over it, it grew on me.
I hated it when i first heard it (i think mainly because of the mastering, everything sounded way to squashed) but when i got over it, it grew on me.

I tried listening to Insomnium, but because of this gave up - I couldn't really make out too much, not enough separation. Maybe I should have just listened to it more.

On the other hand, the same thing happened when I saw them live, couldn't make out anything so I just left after the first song.
Whereas Above The Weeping World sounded like a Recto all the way, Across The Dark always sounded like a 6505 of sorts to me. Now that I listen to it though, it's probably Mesa. Lots of separation in that album, at least in the parts that aren't a clusterfuck of guitar leads and orchestras playing the same awesome epic melodies... it sounds Holywood-huge, that's no less important. It's a very clear production - I guess they had to make room for all the orchestration going on. Both their latest albums are horribly squashed, zero dynamics, but it's not like the band said it wants it like this, is it? I don't have anything proven on the lead tone. I can only assume it involves fresh strings, EMG's, careful tracking, and perhaps some excitation in the mix... you can get some nice top end sizzle by putting an exciter plugin on the guitar chain, but I doubt that's the secret. Insomnium is amazing, a huge inspiration to start writing my own bedroom melodeth :)
There are plenty of gear shots on their blog! Mesa indeed.

Really loved this band for a while, maybe burned myself out on them, or maybe it's just the production, but I haven't been able to get into their last album very much.

I like their leads though. It's sorta like having subdued Dark Tranquillity leads going through the whole song. For the sound - maybe there's some neck PU and/or picking closer to the neck going on (dulls the pick attack sometimes), but really it could be anything.
There are plenty of gear shots on their blog! Mesa indeed.

Really loved this band for a while, maybe burned myself out on them, or maybe it's just the production, but I haven't been able to get into their last album very much.

I like their leads though. It's sorta like having subdued Dark Tranquillity leads going through the whole song. For the sound - maybe there's some neck PU and/or picking closer to the neck going on (dulls the pick attack sometimes), but really it could be anything.

thanks for the link, it seems as though is down? I couldn't find there blog before
So for those who don't want to go through the blog:

The rhythm guitar solution for this album is following: ESP, Gibson, Amfisoind and Schecter guitars through Boss Noise Suppressor and Ibanez TS9(DX) Tube Screamer. Then the signal is split to Mesa (single rectifier) and Framus heads, both amps driving 8 ohms to their own 4x12” cabinets. (Framus w/ 57 and 421, Mesa with a LDC of some type. Looks like a u87)
So it's quad-tracked?

So for those who don't want to go through the blog:

The rhythm guitar solution for this album is following: ESP, Gibson, Amfisoind and Schecter guitars through Boss Noise Suppressor and Ibanez TS9(DX) Tube Screamer. Then the signal is split to Mesa (single rectifier) and Framus heads, both amps driving 8 ohms to their own 4x12” cabinets. (Framus w/ 57 and 421, Mesa with a LDC of some type. Looks like a u87)


always wondered what kind of gear they were using for this album & above the weeping world
also love the sound/production on that albums. fits the band like a glove