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Thorns of Sorrow

My pic is squished
Apr 18, 2002
New York City
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Hey all,

Well, being that i've been active on the baords for a few weeks now, I'd like to share some of my guitar playing with you guys...

Ok a lil background info on myself, I have been playin religously for about 3 and a half years, most of my influences include, Jason Becker, John Petrucci, Mike Romeo, and Mikeal from Opeth. I have listed 3 files, all varying styles..all instrumental.

Well, this one is an erie, slow, evil like piece, very atmospheric, opeth like i guess.

This next one is a very emotional piece, I think this one defines my guitar playing the most, tasteful and emotional, bordering on shred type of guitar work. (like epilogue from MAYH)

This last one is one i did a LONG time ago, like a year ago. Im really not that proud of it, this was back when I was obsessed with playing fast and showing off. Basiclly its a shit load of fast sweeps, and fast scale runs all over the neck, and my tone kinda sucks. I can still do all this stuff but like, I find more substance musically, in playing somewhat "tastefully" This is just ballz out shred, so if u want check it out.

Thanks guys, hope you enjoy, or at least respect my playing :)

Dude I love extreme metal. In my "shreddy" phase, I used to play in like a Nile, Origin type band...I still listen to my Death/Black Cds from time to time. I just dont play it much anymore, I wish I did though, hehe Ill check ur bands stuff out.
yeh i know I mic my cabinet, from my rack with a shitty cpu mic. Sometimes i get good clean sound, sometimes i dont. The second one is actually the best i've gotten this thing to sound. I have abnd, we are called Relayer, its like a dark bluesy/melodic prog band, no mp3s yet, but we are goin into the studio soon.
Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow
Thanks YayoGakk, I like and dig ur playing, so like I'd like to hear what u think man...Thanks. =)
Sorry bout the delayed reply, i complete forgot id downloaded the songs!!

The last song is way too shreddy shreddy shreddy!! especially without any background music, its just like sitting down watching some guitarist rehearse. Your skills sound pretty good although not perfect, i think your better at sweep picking and stuff than me, although its hard to tell with the low recording quality is bad. So we'll move on...

Dies Excessum
This song is realyl cool, i love it, a pity its not recorded proffesionally, the hiss and unintentional distortion detracts from the atmosphere created. But the atmosphere you do create is really cool, i love the sound and the scales, your guitar playing has progressed coz your playing the guitar tastefully, not just shredding!! The weird scales sound cool, dont know if it was intentional or not but the 'wrong notes' do add a lot to the atmosphere.

Missing You
This is the best of the three, soloing is really emotionally and powerful. You could learn your scales a bit better though, seems sometimes you hit some wrong notes and dont quite know the right scales to play over certain chords. A bit more variation in your solo would be good as well, if your writing a solo of that length try to seperate it into sections, play low and slow for a few bars, then high and fast, the high and bendy, etc etc... But yeh its a cool solo song to listen to.

There are however more important things than soloing (imo), and you should work on the underlying riffs and work on writing cool song structures and then solo over them, youll find it opens up the world of soloing when the riffs take you somewhere as well.