Insurance companies may be annoying at times...

Josh M.

Jul 11, 2009
...but this is just wrong.

Seven injured after flammable material explodes in Darwin

Bystanders heard loud explosions and saw a tall, thin man running away from the scene. He has been apprehended and is in police custody.

Police say 13 people, including a policeman, were taken to Royal Darwin Hospital suffering from burns and smoke inhalation. The extent of the injuries is not known at this stage.

Graeme Coombs was sitting in a car waiting for his son-in-law Bruno Long, who had gone into the Territory Insurance Office, a small sub-branch shopfront located next to Woolworths in Darwin city.

“Bruno said he this guy was standing at the counter with a shopping trolley with fuel in it,” Mr Coombs said.

“Apparently he stood there and set fire to it. He watched it light and then he bolted.”
Continued in link.
I reckon the guy that did it will claim a psych and try to get off. Yeah we all get angry at being mistreated but this isn't going to sort anything out. Most people like this don't need much to set them off though. If it wasn't the insurance office it may well have been someone/something else.
I reckon the guy that did it will claim a psych and try to get off. Yeah we all get angry at being mistreated but this isn't going to sort anything out. Most people like this don't need much to set them off though. If it wasn't the insurance office it may well have been someone/something else.

You're right. I guess it comes down to the time and place. But seriously, poor victims.
No-one died though, at least that's what i heard on the news. A couple of guys helped people evacuate as the exit was obscured by thick smoke, good on them. It's not enough that you have to live in Darwin but to have to put up with crazies like this guy as well.