insurance for band equipment

Jan 8, 2002
this is from a thread on a local az message board. I found this to be some useful information, and something all touring bands or bands with rehearsal spaces should consider.

ALL BANDS SHOULD READ THIS - Gear Theft and Protection
Hey everyone -
I'm noticing more and more threads regarding stolen gear around here so I thought I'd direct everyone's attention to this site:

This company insures your musical equipment/studio/etc. against damage and theft; I just submitted a quote request and to cover $30,000 worth of equipment (more than most of us have) it runs about $250 per year ($20/month). For most people the premium would probably be much lower.

DEFINITELY not a bad price at all to insure that you won't find yourself violated and gearless.

I'm hooking it up ASAP and I'd encourage everyone else to do the same.

- Cory / UDA / BLUElight Audio|Media