Inte som andra barn


Lesbian Killer Frog
Jan 18, 2004
Bonn, Germany
This is one hell of a cool album! It's at times rocking, touching, beautiful and weird. Some songs like "Troll spricker i solen" or "Utan att det gar" would have made great Nightingale tunes, while "Krig är allt jag har" gives me kind of a Gentle Giant/ 70s Jazz Fusion vibe, and "Tystnad skapar legender" sounds like contemporary prog a la Arena. My favourite right now is "Jag gör det för att jag gillar det" with its cool juxtaposition of different rhythms, but it changes almost by the minute. Is it a concept album about mailorder brides?
Glad you like it !
Both "Utan att det går and "Troll spricker i solen" were potential N.G tracks once upon a time. "Tystnad" sounds like "Arena" ? someone said "Stalingrad" sounds like them too. I have never heard them. When Mike Pointer is the drummer you don´t listen.:yuk:
Anyway: those songs were written before "Arena" even existed:D
Ethelion said:
Om du vill så får du hemskt gärna skicka mig ett ex :) (jag betalar förstås :headbang: )

Of course !

Anyone who wants this album:
Send me money and you´r adress in a regular mail and i send you a copy

Sweden: 100 Kr
Europa: 12 Euro
US: $15

And that includes all !

My adress

Dag Swanö
610 12 Hällestad

Thanks !
den är faktist mycket bra!
gillar den mycket...

"Inte som andra barn" har också stigit till en av mina favoriter efter att ha lyssnat på skivan mera!