Intense Xmas Drink Tomorrow


Voice of INTENSE
Sep 9, 2002
Watch out London, we're hitting the belgian bars and decent pubs around the West End etc ...with a select group of friends and will not be responsible for our actions... :p Well i won't anyway :lol:
We didn't do too much damage Han, London's safe :)

Some photos taken on my phone


Neil and his Heavy Metal Coffee


Nick Enjoying my Garlic beer.. i've never tasted anything so foul :puke:


The bill from Garlic and Shots that gave us a heart attack till we divided it lol... there were 9 of us :lol:


A shaky photo of me by Adam... things were seriously going downhill as i hit the Snakebites .. thanks to those who tried to stop me... :p
as i scrolled down reading that i saw the pic, went awww cute, scrolled further to see the snakebite and then you lost 5 cool points :yuk:

jesus £192.95?!

i miss the cave at garlics :(
Oi don't diss Snakeys.. they are legendary in the Intense camp and have been the cause of many er moments in history.. :kickass: Nick i drunk them long before it was "cool" or "fashionable" so nah! :Smug::p
Yesh, itsh Chrishtmash...*hic*, and sho we all went out and got properly wayshted on varioush beveragesh... Whilst excershishing reshtraint, of coursh... *hic*..... "BEEE-EEEERRR ISH NOT ENOUUUUUFFFFF.... OF AN EXCUSH....... *hic*"

Errr, obviously as I was on the coffee this sort of applied to everyone but me, but being sober I can recount the tales accurately, unlike Hetherington and the decietful web of lies he spun regards Peak and Palmer and the trip home from last year's bash...
Yesh, itsh Chrishtmash...*hic*, and sho we all went out and got properly wayshted on varioush beveragesh... Whilst excershishing reshtraint, of coursh... *hic*..... "BEEE-EEEERRR ISH NOT ENOUUUUUFFFFF.... OF AN EXCUSH....... *hic*"

Errr, obviously as I was on the coffee this sort of applied to everyone but me, but being sober I can recount the tales accurately, unlike Hetherington and the decietful web of lies he spun regards Peak and Palmer and the trip home from last year's bash...

Actually Neil just sounds like your hallucinating not drunk :lol::p
Actually Neil just sounds like your hallucinating not drunk :lol::p

As you well know, my personal intake of narcotics runs to the same level that I imbibe alcohol, which means I'm permanently stone cold sober! :saint: Hence I know what's going on at all times! And can tell when you're coming up with the porkies! Admittedely it helps when the other protagonists make it plain that they disagree with your version of events in the strongest possible terms... :) Han, slip me a brown paper envelope of used, non-sequential £20's for the full skinny...:lol: