Interesting Bloodbath news.


God To The Godless
Nov 3, 2002
I was checking out the BNR metal pages and reading the update for the Bloodbath page when I found out the bad news: Mikael Akerfeldt has been replaced

*insert pause for fans to weep*

But there's also some good news! He's been replaced with producer/Hypocrisy frontman Peter Tagtgren!

Also Dan Swano will now be a 2nd guitarist and Martin Axenrot (Witchery) will now take up the drums.

Now THIS will be interesting to hear.
Erik said:
"Resurrection Through Carnage" doesn't even have real drumming for the most part, he recorded single hits and pasted them together with a computer to achieve better blastbeats or some such nonsense...

Wow, really? That's the stupidest shit ever.

That's like using a drum machine, but worse.
Dan not the best drummer in the world and thank god they replaced him. He wasn't even very good in Moontower(although the rest of the music was awesome)...Either way I can't wait for this one. I don't really like Pete Tagtren's vocals but I bet it's still going to sound sweet.
I think the new blodbath will be incredible and different. I think Swano said himself they were going for an old school US death metal sound on the new album. Peter should do nicely and with Dan moving to guitar, I am hoping for a great album.