interesting ebay auction

I find it highly amusing how he's giving the finger in the reflection

Demilich said:
fuck off, you already have a guitar!
Not an electric one! I have 3 basses and an acoustic. :)

Oh and I haven't bid on it, if you have I shall keep at bay, and wish you luck fine sir!!!
I dunno if i trust that crazy son of a bitch, but for 50 bucks it'd sure as hell make a good starting electric! all i have is an acoustic for now too.

i say you go ahead, i've spent too much on cd's lately also. 5 cds in a couple of weeks with my level of income = ouch :(
"And as the two argued into the night, one lone nu-metal wuss purchased the guitar for $53.28, then researched the serial number and discovered it was worth $15,000. And then, that guitar SAVED CHRISTMAS."