interesting Exhorder production details revealed


May 7, 2007
Here's an interesting read about the replaced snare on Exhorder's Slaughter at the Vatican, and the amps used....

taken from:

"Brothers and sisters of EXHORDER… YOU HAVE BEEN SCREWED!

"Yo, people, I am here to inform you that you have been cheated, duped, robbed! Of what, you may ask. Well, have you ever wondered why everyone who owns a 'Slaughter in the Vatican' demo (recorded in 1987) says it sounds and feels a million times better than the actual album released by our former employer? IT'S BECAUSE IT'S FUCKIN' TRUE! So the question now is why did this happen and who is responsible? The songs on the 1991 release are not what WE intended to put out. The project was given a shitty budget, it was rushed at every facet and we were forced to use Scott Burns as the producer who at the time was leading the new death metal movement that was taking place. Don't get me wrong — Scott was a great guy but we didn't want our record to sound like SEPULTURA, DEATH and so on… and it did. Shit… we weren't even allowed to use our own guitar rigs. We were talked in to using the same exact rig that SEPULTURA used for 'Beneath the Remains'. Even the fuckin' snare sound was sampled off of 'Beneath the Remains'. When we got home with that piece of shit, I could barely listen to it. Even our second record, 'The Law', while the production was a thousand times better than 'Slaughter in the Vatican' it was still rushed and not what we intended to give you… the people. So again the question must be asked… who is responsible for treating what was at the time our very life's work like some kind of two-dollar hooker? I think you know the answer to that, and the muthafuckas reading this know who the fuck they are, too! Oh, and while you're reading, read this… you fucks can kiss my fuckin' ass and if you see me comin', you would do well to turn the other fuckin' way!

"NOW… We intend to give back what was stolen from you but not without your help. Ya see, we have decided to re-record some of those old songs so we can give them the love and attention they deserved. Along with our new material, we want to redo six or seven old songs on the new disc and we want YOU to decide which ones will be done.
I have that record and i still listen to it...curious to ear what will the new sounds like
I would have liked it back in the day, but never really had the chance to buy the tape. I don't think it was distributed very well, cause none of my friends had it either. Once I finally heard it though (more recently)...I dug it! Now it's on a regular rotation, along with other thrash classics.
Great fucking record! The production and mix was absolutely ATROCIOUS though. I'm anxious to see why these guys are going to do. An Exhorder reunion WAS inevitable though, with the Thrash resurgence and all that.
EXHORDER fucking kick ass. Balls to the wall attitude and great riffs.
The Law has better song structures in my opinion but just put on "Desecrator" from Slaughter in the Vatican and fucking hell, The brutality....

PS - I like the production. Maybe because I'm a big fan of the Beneath the Remains sound?

Fuck, I'm gonna be sampling the BTR snare one day.