interesting KD discussion on the relapse forums from august


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
came up in a google search while i was trying to figure out if there were pics online from the silverlake show!

it's funny how the two dudes who dislike choirs the most are about 180 degrees from making informed criticism. they seem to think it's improv and complain about its lack of structure. isn't the structure/compositional/non-improv nature of choirs its defining feature?
no because it sounds very natural. You can almost hear the people looking at each other to coordinate the next wave of sound. Strummy guitars, floating electronics. The structure is there, it's not directly apparent. and to go from something occasionally tense and deliberate like motW to something so liquid-ish like Choirs requires readjusting.

Haven't read that thread tho
there's a looseness to the playing that suggests improv (or even daresay jazz), but we all know better, right? like compare it to cynic or death or whatever - the way everyone plays together is totally different.
Here are the best moments:

"It was like Maudlin of the Well took all their worst ideas and made a new band out of them."

"It's almost as though they went into the studio cold, rolled tape, and just started improvising. Maybe a seasoned jam band could get away with that, but not these guys."

"Give that disk some time and more spins. It's not a rock out the first time you hear it kind of record. It'll grow on you, certainly like a fungus, but it will. Keep on trucking." NOTE: I AGREE WITH THAT. THE SAME HAPPENED TO ME.

"It just plain sucks because there is no emotion in the music. It's just a bunch of college jerkoffs trying to be artsy without putting forth much effort. It's wuss music for trendy artfags like you..."
"It just plain sucks because there is no emotion in the music. It's just a bunch of college jerkoffs trying to be artsy without putting forth much effort. It's wuss music for trendy artfags like you..."

more doublebass plz thx
I really like it when people get super defensive about the superiority of their ideas and opinions on music, particularly online.