Interesting news for some

ive never heard nachtmystium, but with constant reviews praising their supposed new direction towards a more accessible and different sound, this is comes as no surprise.

now we can wait for CM to announce the band as saviors of black metal

"Like many artists who make their music commercially available, Azentrius sees nothing wrong with promoting his records beyond the message boards and (parents’) basements of the black metal sub-underground, even if it costs him some credibility in the eyes of the self-appointed “kult” police. “I was like that when I was 17, you know?” he says. “And I deal with people like that now. Just because I’m in a band on Southern Lord and doing interviews with glossy magazines, some of the underground jackasses I’ve been tape trading with for years won’t deal with me anymore because I’ve stepped out of the little circle.”"

scratch Southern Lord, enter Century Media.
Like many artists

I have no opinion on the actual signing... when I gave a few spins to one of the band's albums, it was just some "other" thing out in space... it didn't seem offensive to my sensibilities, but didn't speak to me. So, yeah, whatever, good for them/him if that's what they/he wants. I actually still buy some stuff on Century Media (Jag Panzer, Napalm Death, Nevermore, and finally the latest Celtic Frost is on its way) so while my general attitude is distaste, it's not an automatic wretching reaction when somebody's on the label.

My problem is the Decibel article and that the "like many..." preface that people put in their statements to give a false sense of authority. I assume it's done to suppress argument because, well, "like many" = common practice and common sense, and what idiot goes against that? I see "like many..." and immediately I think "There's some bullshit coming that we're meant to gloss over..." as well as "whoever writing this is a twat." That can't possibly be the intention of the phrase.

More interesting is that in this case, it weakens the entire idea that Azentrius (one thing I like about this article is the use of real names, even if it's done in a HAH I KNOW A SECRET manner rather than a straightforward "this is who these people are" kind of way) is putting forward. The entire article up to that point is taking this particular ethic to task, and instead of having this guy just lay out his thoughts, "Like many..." completely cuts it off at the knees.

Start the paragraph with "Azentrius sees nothing wrong with..." and I think the entire article says something. Keep in the "Like many artists..." and suddenly I get the feeling Bennet's writing about something he figures everyone already knows, and the person being interviewed is just another guy rather than bravely stepping forward out of the shadows, and the entire article is pointless.

Not that the article starts off very well, what with Bennet saying that the reason limited print runs are bad is it makes him want stuff more, and therefore those responsible are testing his patience.

Black Metal Limited Edition Underground: "Jump!"

J. Bennett: "oooohhhh, you bastard! *hop hop hop hop* This high enough?"

You guys will let me know if I write like this, right?
I think I can't really take any article where there's jabs about parents' basements and such seriously.

I feel black metal on Century Media is only a step away from being as ridiculous as black metal on myspace

HAIL im john aka Saturnius from funeralthrone as you can see my soul is devotid to black metal im into uther dark music but most of all black metal i am prity tall and pritty lade back about evarything but i do not have time four god and uther things like that . i have a lot of feeling about that hole thing all are not good ...if youd like to get to no me then thats fine as i sed im open to evarything but downt be pisst off about wot i think about things i wornd you.

The ethos of this particular type of music, even the more detached aspects of it simply do not belong in a socializer like Myspace. Some of these bands that are there try to play it off like 'we're using myspace in subversive ways and it's a tool to spread our propaganda' and whatnot. Some don't even bother.

Black metal that takes itself seriously doesn't need good promotion and Century Media. If it's good - for its particular idiom - the people that are interested in it will hear of it and track it down. The only reason a black metal band would have to sign to a bigger label is bigger exposure. And black metal is supposed to be anti-exposure, right? right?
I feel black metal on Century Media is only a step away from being as ridiculous as black metal on myspace

In the US, Century Media had bands like Mayhem and Emperor going back to 1994 I think, so it doesn't seem that odd. Not to mention their 1997 bonanza of releases, and more recently their Malicious Records reissues... so it doesn't seem ridiculous to me so much as incongruent with some of their other recent signings.

Myspace... ayyyyy... I really don't know what to do about that. It is ridiculous, I really want to just delete my account and wash my hands of it. The problem is, it's often the only way to reach somebody you don't otherwise already know, and people I haven't seen in 10+ years have caught up with me because of my profile there.

Otherwise, I consider it a giant mailing list. I certainly never listen to the bands that send me friends requests. I just look at their description. "It says metal... yes, you can be added to my spamvertisements list!"
I am aware of how many vocal anti-everything bands have been on large labels, it never stops being stupid for me no matter how much it's an accepted fact of the industry.

I'll never get used to bands saying how much they hate everybody and then asking people to buy their record. If you can't be philosophically consistent, shut up.
The larger issue is that Nachmystium, like everything Southern Lord has ever touched, is generic crap masquerading as something significant.