Interesting Video About Producing

Hahahhaa, yes, we've gone over this Executioner, and you're not alone in your feelings :lol: Personally, I don't think it's that bad, but I just don't like looking at a vid of a guy talking at his webcam for like 20 minutes :Smug: It was cool of him to make it though, you have to admit (and he sometimes posts here ;))
I dunno I've read the Slipperman article and watched the guys vid for guitar micing and as long as you take them both as people talking about their OPINIONS and EXPERIENCES only then its cool and there's alot to learn.

Granted the delivery in both make them a hard read/watch but once you've it gone through your done.
What I don't like is the way some people watch these things and take them as absolute gospel. I've a friend who's watched the guitar vid and now insists on telling people there are only 9 positions on a cab to mic ( or 7 or whatever his no. was!) and that micing a cab can only be done really right with 2 mics,

RE: Melodeth, Since they'll never be perfectly in phase you listen to the mic when your placing them and find a phase cancellation that works in your favour- like the muddy low mids or fizzy highs can be affected instead of where the beef is depending on where you position it so while technically they're not in phase, it sounds good so it doesn't matter

I thought the sleeping bag and mattress in that video were funny. :lol: A sleeping bag (especially one like the one in the vid that looks shiny) is probably barely going to be better than the concrete floor.

I must say I really like Vile's Depopulate :)
I loved reading that slipperman article. He does seem like an asshole, but thats what makes it entertaining. I like his wit. He's ruthless. I'd be curious to know what Andy would think about that article if he ever had the time to read it. Especially the part about how guitars should only be recorded to analog. Maybe put the old dinosaur in his place a bit, heh.