Interface Questions

That unit appears to have two XLR inputs and totaling 8 ins including the 1/4"......

I don't think this would work ideally for you, if you want to record each drum kit piece individually.

I've used a Tascam US-1641 before which seemed to work decently for the price....(I think they are around $500) but I've also heard bad things about them. Again, I used one to record a 3 song demo and I think it's fine for what it is. But for that price I've also bought a used M-Audio Profire 2626 which is firewire.....
So what can I get for under £300 that will let me record drums? I realise the quality is going to suck but unfortunately it's my limit. Work is very hard to find here and if I want to get better gear the only way I'm able to make money at the moment is to record bands - recording drums is a big selling point and something that I'm losing clients over. At least this way I can record a few bands and buy a good interface with the money.
Depends how much microphones you plan to use when recording drums... The interface you suggested has only two preamps so you can record only two mics... Eight inputs doesn't mean that you can plug a mic into each one, those other inputs are for different kinds of equipment, not mics.

As sawtooth suggested - you can try to find Focusrite's Saffire Pro 40 (I have one and I highly recommend it above all other interfaces in it's category!). Other interfaces in that price range (used) can be:
- Presonus Firestudio
- M-Audio Profire 2626
- Mackie Onyx Blackbird

Good luck!