Interview questions


evil satanic teewurst
Nov 28, 2001
I'm gonna have an interview with maiden tomorrow for our student TV station, and I'm thinking about some questions. Maybe you guys have some interesting ideas of what to ask?
ask dave murray if he is into archery. i seen him shooting bow in the Wasted Years video and im wondering if he shoots/hunts?.

also if any members of maiden hunt or fish?.

besides the UK where do they like to play the best. Where in the US as well?.

has there ever been any video game offers?

has macfarland toys asked to do anymore Eddie figures?
hehehehe... I remember one of my sigs used to be a quote from Bruce... "I wanted to be Ian Paice's left foot"
that would be a great idea for a b-side... have Nicko sing and Bruce play drums... do a Britney cover or something... LOL... the image alone is worth the price of admission.!!!
Yeah, ask them, "Why did you allow Dance of Death to be released when you were so short of new, original material? Also, who is responsible for that album cover? Their name is not listed. Were they too embarassed to put their name to it?"
Haha, Nico singin Britney's "Oops, I did it again", dressed in a pink skirt, steve doin the keyboards, Bruce the drums and Adrian, Janick and Dave are the Background Dancers :loco:

I like the album cover question. I bet Steve did the artwork himself with 3d studio max :)
Ask Steve how his back is doing.

Ask Bruce if the airlines he works for requires his hair to be that short.

And also Smylex's CD cover question is good.
a couple theories i've read about the orgins of the artwork concept:

#1. It came from the title of episode #3 of The Prisoner - "Dance of Death". The program also features a masquerade ball in which the characters look similar to those on the album cover.
#2. "Masque of The Red Death" starring Vincent Price