Interview with Scott Ian on wednesday


New Metal Member
Jun 10, 2003
Hi everyone, I'm going to be doing an interview with Scott Ian (of Anthrax, as if you didnt know) tomorrow wednesday, so if there are any fans out there who would like me to ask him some specific questions, post them here in this thread or mail them to me directly (patrik.johnson@(remove.this.) and I'll sort through them and try to get as many of them as possible into the list of questions we're going to have. This is going to be broadcasted on a national radio station over here, so basically generally interesting questions that are not covered by their website would be the best ones, I think. You have about 24 hours to post your questions :) I'll post the answers to any questions that end up being asked on this thread sometime thursday morning.

mrthrax said:
ill have to go with,why is got the time and antisocial still in the setlist???

they have been flogged to death!!!

I can answer that question for you. Because they get the most response. I went to three shows in the first leg of the U.S. tour and those songs get big responses. And in Cleveland, on the left side of the stage next to Caggiano, they got no response. Which is why I dont understand why in AlphaMales and Blast beats, they gave positive reviews of Cleveland. Nobody was moving near me and when I tried to get the crowd moving in a friendly manner, they got all sensitive and pissed. Total buzz kill. New Jersey and Norfolk kicked ass.
Ron MOSH Earl said:
Ask Scott what exactly is said at the beginning of "Now It's Dark". I've asked this question numerous times on the Anthrax boards and have never gotten an answer.

It has something to do with the movie Blue Velvet. Just rent it. You'll be enlightened.