Interview with Matt by RushAss


His Lord High Stinkyness
Feb 24, 2004
New Jersey
RushAss - So MAtt, how are you doing?

Matt - Just Fine!!!

RushAss - *whips out willie* Soooo, is your's bigger than mine?

Matt - uhhhhhh... yeah!!

RushAss - Do you think yours is bigger than FaithNoLife's?

Matt - Certainly

RushAss - How about Peter Steele? Do you think you tool is larger?

Matt - Yes

RushAss - How about Rob Halford?

Matt - Gee, I dunno. I guess it probably is.

RushAss - David Lee Roth?

Matt - Bigger.

RushAss - Sebastian Bach?

Matt - No Contest!

RushAss - Rod Jeremy?

Matt - Hold on *checks trousers and grins* yup!

RushAss - Very well then. Thanks for your time.

Matt - You're welcome. Uh... can I ask you a question?

RushAss - Sure, go ahead.

Matt - Why all these questions about my penis size?

RushAss - Just trying to extend your female fan base.

Matt - Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh