
I have a couple interviews coming up in December Bruce Kulick and Bobby Blitz from Overkill and in January Blackie Lawless and (hopefully) Ace Frehley.

Anything that you can think of that you'd like to ask Balckie Lawless?!
I'm drawing a blank there I have stock questions regarding the new album...
Got 12 for Kulick, haven't started on Blitz but I found that the scrpit goes out the window with him as I found out the last time. Ace, well as a longtime fan I have probably more that I'll probably get a chance to ask...
WOW for Bruce...??

I would love to ask him what his favorite KISS song was while with the band.

Also what his favorite song is before he joined.

For Blitz?? I dunno..I've always been curious about Johnny Zazula stating they had this "spectacle" in the club days before they signed with Megaforce.

Maybe a bit of what that club production was about and what it took to put it all together, as it seemed to get the attention of John & Marsha Zazula.
I'm with MD on the questions for Bruce. Another one I'd ask, although might be getting repetitive would be to ask what song he most enjoyed playing live (either from his era or from old-school original Kiss)

Ace, I'd have a billion questions for as he's one of my alltime favorite guitarists and one of the two guys that most influenced me into playing guitar myself. One would definitely be asking him if there was one other guitar player he'd like to team up with, whether it be on stage or simply in the studio with for a song (or an album), who would that be?
I forgot about Blackie... What are the chances of their original "Home Video" being placed back on the market in disc form or if not just a DVD/The Videos collection for the fans.

Ace: I think Lynchsta came up with a good one above...I would love to hear the answer to that ... :kickass:
WOW for Bruce...??

I would love to ask him what his favorite KISS song was while with the band.

Also what his favorite song is before he joined.

For Blitz?? I dunno..I've always been curious about Johnny Zazula stating they had this "spectacle" in the club days before they signed with Megaforce.

Maybe a bit of what that club production was about and what it took to put it all together, as it seemed to get the attention of John & Marsha Zazula.

Get the Rat Skates DVD From The Basement it shows bootleg and band footage of that "spectacle." It was pretty cool how they brought use the illusion to bring the big porduction to the clubs. Granted they got the idea from KISS, i.e. the empty amps and heads...
Get the Rat Skates DVD From The Basement it shows bootleg and band footage of that "spectacle." It was pretty cool how they brought use the illusion to bring the big porduction to the clubs. Granted they got the idea from KISS, i.e. the empty amps and heads...

Yeah I've been wanting to get that. Thanks!!