Interwiew Katatonia

Thanks for that. It was a very interesting and satisfying interview. :D
Great read! Blakkheim seems so cool and laid back...hell yeah!

I must say, I REALLY like what he had to say here;

"It’s very hard for us, members of the band, to define the music we do. It’s like...we don’t even know what we’re doing, we do what really represents something for us. I don’t care if it’s called Doom Metal or Pop Rock. That’s not a problem for me. I hate people saying “in the old days you did this, but know you do that”... The only thing I need is good and dark music. That’s what I like."

Damn straight!
Yawn, the questions weren't very good, but thank you Friden. I would REALLY like to see a video interview with Katatonia, that'd rule.
I agree some cool questions though. I can imagine it is hard to think of good questions, but most interviews (not katatonia interviews of course) are so boring I can't even bear to read only half of them.