Into Eternity!

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
I got Into Eternity's Dead or Dreaming today. And WOW!!!! the perfect mix between thrash, Death and prog metal. It's very hard to lable but we don't want to go into that discussion again.It mixes very heavy, thrashy rhythm guitars and also complex beats. The vocals mix between a Death Growl, Screams and melodic sinnging. With three singers, they can get some interesting harmony's when they sing melodicly (which is most of the time) but this leads us into another thing - the solos
:OMG::OMG:Man! some of these solo's are crazy!! Very different but some super-shreddage! I wasn't expecting this.
I've got some questions to anyone who knows about this band;
1)Who playes those crazy solo's? I hope its not Daniel Nargang, because he's left the band. Does anyone know?
2)And who is the main singer - Daniel or Tim Roth or Jim Austin?

I seriously urge people who like prog, thrash, death and shred to cheack this out.:wave:
I'm pretty sure both guitarists trade off the solos, and Tim does the main vocals I think. They never actually specify who does what. Whoever does the clean vocals but not lead is awesome. I just think he has a cool voice, I don't know if its Daniel or Jim (hopefully Jim). But yeah the album rules.
Yeah, I think that thats Daniel (the clean but not lead)in the background more. Because it sais Jim does clean and Death and you can hear the main singer singing and screaming with the same voice. And Daniel only does the clean vocals. I'm just playing the solo in Identify!!! WOW