Introducing my dear, dear friends...Raintime (vid)

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
It's hard to believe these guys were just another local band around here. Very dear friends of mine. I got shitfaced with Luca, the lead guitarist who's FUCKING 19 YEARS OLD last weekend. I'm really glad to see their careers are finally starting to take off.

Bob from Firewind directed the video. He's a really cool guy, too.

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Yup. I think they shoulda done Flies n' Lies for the first vid. That song just owns. This one was good but actually one of the weaker ones of the album.

It's a single, though...all singles are the worst songs on albums, though.

I'll never do another video like that again, though. Claudio, the singer, is one of my best friends along with the rest of them and of course I wanted to help support them during the live scenes of the video. We used this club that was closed for the summer that we always play live at for shooting the live scenes and they invited all the bands and friends in the local area to drink, party, and shoot the crowd scenes of the vid. It was fun the first couple of times, but that shit gets old after the 10th fucking take. I felt so fake after the first few, my energy was zapped, so I just went outside with a few friends and proceeded to get drunk.

I can't do that whole "live music video" thing unless it's really a live show. I can't fake excitement. Even Claudio was getting sick of it. Bob did a great job, though. Two days of shooting and that's it. One day for the abandoned warehouse 5 km from where we live and 5 hours the next day for the "live" scenes. This was Bob's first try at video directing, I think.

I think our video may be animated or CGI or something...if we have the money, that is. My band isn't exactly a headbanging metal band, though, and the album is a concept and we want to tell that story through images, not through headbanging. Again, IF we have the money and things go well for the album.
their previous album was okay. I have had their new promo cd for a week or two. should I listen to them? :)

The previous album was just that...okay. Luca was 16 or 17 at the time and Claudio was 20 or 21, I believe. It had a few great songs on it, but on a scale of 1-10 I'd give the older album a solid 7. It was pretty damn good for kids just out of high school, except for Luca, who was still in high school. Actually, he's still in high school today.

It sucked so much when their last Euro tour got cancelled ON THE BUS ON THE WAY TO THE FIRST SHOW. Fuckin' Royal Hunt called it off as they were entering Germany. Luca cried, I think.

This album gets an 8.5 to 9 from me, and I'm not biased, either. I've seen it reviewed in a few metal mags and they gave it 8 to 8.5 as well. The songs are much more aggressive and the one ballad on it is fucking beautiful. The final song has a male choir backing up the instruments and is really good. My favorite will always be Flies n' Lies, though.

It depends on what kind of music you like. It's a mix between COB and In Flames, but more progressive and more melodic. Claudio has a great clean voice, too.
The previous album was just that...okay. Luca was 16 or 17 at the time and Claudio was 20 or 21, I believe. It had a few great songs on it, but on a scale of 1-10 I'd give the older album a solid 7. It was pretty damn good for kids just out of high school, except for Luca, who was still in high school. Actually, he's still in high school today.

It sucked so much when their last Euro tour got cancelled ON THE BUS ON THE WAY TO THE FIRST SHOW. Fuckin' Royal Hunt called it off as they were entering Germany. Luca cried, I think.

This album gets an 8.5 to 9 from me, and I'm not biased, either. I've seen it reviewed in a few metal mags and they gave it 8 to 8.5 as well. The songs are much more aggressive and the one ballad on it is fucking beautiful. The final song has a male choir backing up the instruments and is really good. My favorite will always be Flies n' Lies, though.

It depends on what kind of music you like. It's a mix between COB and In Flames, but more progressive and more melodic. Claudio has a great clean voice, too.

yeah, I agree, it was around 6-7 for me too.
I like a lot of different styles, what I don't like is much easier to tell :)
I put it into the cd player, now!
Claudio does 90% of the writing in that band. He plays guitar, keyboards, and sings. Of course input comes from the other guys as well, but Claudio is the driving force of that band.
Fuck me running. That's some of the best brutal death I've heard in a long, long time.


Why is everything from Rome awesome?
haha i don't know but when i saw them on stage i almost cried :lol:
maybe after the recording of the new cd they'll do a tour :D
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Don't forget they'll be playing at ProgPower USA this year! :)

These guys remind me more of a Mercenary-ish band.

For those that heard the previous album, definitely give this one a shot on its own merit. I know Glenn (PPUSA promoter) was so blown away by this album that he booked them right away. His opinion of the previous album was the same as many here, it was "ok".