Having lots of friends is slutty.

:lol: actually in real life there are varying situations and varying responces according to the individuals and state of their relationship. In any case, where their is not a clear meeting of the minds in regards to what makes two people close, the relationship is doomed.

key word for consideration intimacy

Ok, but how many of those are sex's fault? Disease? If people were good about testing, condoms, and hygiene, shouldn't be an issue. Sexual violence? if people weren't assholes, wouldn't happen. Unwanted children? If people weren't total dumbfucks about condoms and birth control and certain backwards morons would stop whining about abortion, wouldn't be a problem.

Cheapens the whole idea of love? I don't see how...Actually, if sex is easy to get, and there's no need for a relationship then wouldn't that make each relationship stronger, since there was no ulterior motive other than romantic (and not sexual) interest in the other partner? That's one interesting point that came up in that monster post (not that that moron did it on purpose) - the division between romantic interest and sexual drive.

It's odd, Norsemaiden - from all your other posts you seem to be into eugenics and now I'm hearing about love?

As to what you're saying about having lots of friends, I dunno...If you are really tight with every single one of them, then what else should you do? I mean, should you not hang out with someone you like because you already have friends? "Sorry, I'm already over quota." Maintaining vapid, shallow social connections with a large number of people can't really be called friendship. I don't think slutty is the right word, but I do think there's something wrong with it...

i agree with this