
Feb 28, 2007
I'm basically the worst "indroduce yourself" person you're ever gonna meet, probably because I'm really good at making bad first impressions.

But in case you care, I'm 16, enjoy black, symphonic black, death, melodic death, doom,funeral doom, and doom drone metal. I always prefer music with melody to it, but I just sometimes like to sit back and listen to CC or somthing. My fav. bands really ever are Draconian, Dimmu, CoF's middle stuff and Nile, but it also depends on my mood, too. I also dig the GOOD classical stuff, you know the really minor crecendo type thing.

I am a guitar player, but am having one HELL of a time getting a band going, because around here (Iowa), effin' slipknot is considered to be heavy. (Btw, I despise slipknot)and most people listen to like, norma jean or underoath or somthing. But yeah, enough o' my bitching. so whatever, get to know me, I'm a swell person