

New Metal Member
Apr 23, 2003
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I've never posted on anything like this before but I am so desperate for good conversation I said why not? I am from Texas and there are WAY too many cowboys here, I need more metal involvement rather than rednecks telling me I "look finer than a store bought hen." :yell: (what exactly does that mean anyhow?) I am also looking for more music and would love suggestions to check out. Websites are good too. Please let me know!

Welcome to UM!! :wave:

I'm afraid I don't know any good music, all of my music is "horrible". According to the old folks, anyway. :p Check out Opeth. :D

Enjoy the forums. :)
If you like progressive metal stuff, check out Power of Omens (from San Antonio) or All Too Human (from Houston, I think)..both TX bands :) And welcome to UM!!