Invention you could not live without


Aug 9, 2008
Among the Horrors
As I most recently reached into my fridge for some cold water, it dawned on me that (imo), the refridgerator is probably the one convenience I would keep above all others. Warm beverages suck, the inability to conveniently store perishable foods for long periods of time sucks, etc.

If you were forced to give up all modern conveniences save one, what would yours be? (Similar to "Stuck on an island blah blah blah" I know) Don't be an obvioustroll and say "electricity".

It can be used for music, gaming, contacting others(assuming I also have internet), pr0nz, movies, the list goes on.
I don't know about Air Conditioning, really something people COULD live without, and I live in Cali so I know how "important" people find it to be

Anyway Indoor Plumbing is definitely a good one..also I would have to say CD-Player / Stereo

Else I wouldn't have known about teh metalhz

You have to have something to feed the fire!

But something I couldn't live without? Spears, for hunting. or Bows. mmmmmmm meat.
Electricity. About 12 years ago freezing rain destroyed just about everything around and our region was without electricity for abour 8 weeks during winter. We were able to stay in the house for about 2 days (at about -25 celisus in the winter, it's hard to last with no heat)before heading to a shelter provided by the city with generators. ed as winter here is so cold. Just about everything we are used to needs electricity to function.

Edit: Actually, I would need many other inventions...Electricity alone doesn't do much. :p
Yeah, electricity is falls more under "harnessed energy" than an invention.

I still would rather have refridgeration or air conditioning over a computer. Using a computer while sweating my ass off and drinking room temprature beer is not worth it.
When my dad was a kid the family didn't own a refrigerator so they used the salt method. I couldn't imagine doing that today, but I still see the refrigerator as more of a convenience invention than something absolutely essential.
Yeah, electricity is falls more under "harnessed energy" than an invention.

I still would rather have refridgeration or air conditioning over a computer. Using a computer while sweating my ass off and drinking room temprature beer is not worth it.

Leave it outside.

People could live w/out internet. It was only harder to arrange a sexy time.
Umm, shelter? I like to be able to sleep without being exposed to the elements and not having to worry about bears disemboweling me when I just want to catch a few z's.

But bear disembowelment is fucking mehtul!!!!!111

I'd say a computer.