Invictus Audio - Metal Pack Available Now in Trigger and Gog Formats!!!


New Metal Member
Dec 11, 2010
Invictus Audio's Metal Pack Available Now in Trigger and Gog Formats

Hey All of you men and women of metal !! We are pleased to announce the release of our first Sample Replacement Kit dedicated to Metal . We included three formats for your platform of choice for re-triggering for your convenience and ease of use. You get standard wave files, Gog format for Drumagog and also the first 3rd party release for Steven Slates new Trigger format !!

What you get is this

* 25 Kiks with 3 tunings each , Low Mid and Hi
* 25 Snares with separate Crack hits
* 5 Toms sets with 4 toms in each
* 2 Room Types A is a small room for fast playing B is Big for Epic groove stuff
* All samples are in 24bit/96kHz
* On 2 Dual Layer DVD's with around 18 Gigs

These sounds will definatley punch through any mix and have been tailored to handle the whole loudness wars issue .But of course you need to hear them in action , Demos and songs are up on the site at Invictus Audio | Metal Drum Samples

Enjoy !

The Invictus Audio Team
this seems kind of expensive maybe bring in a pack that is cheaper or some free samples so we can try them :) Good to see more competition though
Any demo packs we can download and try out for free?

We don't have any plans to release demo packs or freebies ;) The demo songs up on the sight are the actual samples without any tweaking hopefully that is enough of a representation of all the sounds and tones. We tried to record enough of the extreme styles in all metal sub-styles to showcase all the sounds we created From Thrash to tech metal and to The Def toneish slow grooves.
Far Beyond Metal is that not a Strapping Young Lad song ? was it on the live disc ?

We don't have any plans to release demo packs or freebies ;) The demo songs up on the sight are the actual samples without any tweaking hopefully that is enough of a representation of all the sounds and tones. We tried to record enough of the extreme styles in all metal sub-styles to showcase all the sounds we created From Thrash to tech metal and to The Def toneish slow grooves.
Far Beyond Metal is that not a Strapping Young Lad song ? was it on the live disc ?


Okay thanks for the response. I second the motion for a slimmed down pack with an upgrade path to the full version similar to what Steven Slate does with his Trigger EX. Another idea would be to have one of the guys here that gets killer drum sounds (there are plenty of them) do some demos for you guys. Not at all trying to be rude but a lot of people here including myself are quite happy with the samples they already have so some sort of bait to get people to make the jump would help your case a lot.

And yes, it is a song from SYL. I am a dirty thief, I know :Smokin:
Hey guys just a heads up , I was able to track a few things with Igor for some solo drum stuff , very dynamic kind of like a free form drum solo . We'll post a you tube clip as well. It will be mixed with only the close mic samples to show off their detail. Also I'll mix some other songs with no music at all with just the drums later this week.

It is good to hear feedback of what people want to hear in demos and examples . I personally only want to hear samples in a full mix context as that will reveal whether they work in a mix or not. My own personnel standard for reviewing other sample packs or Drum VI's. As it is very easy to think a kit may sound good by itself when the rest of the tracks are not up. Again our philosophy and style is geared towards fully processed cut through the wall of metal type sound;) But seeing as we want to hear from our customers I am all ears on what examples you would like to hear.

Thanks Jason
Okay thanks for the response. I second the motion for a slimmed down pack with an upgrade path to the full version similar to what Steven Slate does with his Trigger EX. Another idea would be to have one of the guys here that gets killer drum sounds (there are plenty of them) do some demos for you guys. Not at all trying to be rude but a lot of people here including myself are quite happy with the samples they already have so some sort of bait to get people to make the jump would help your case a lot.

And yes, it is a song from SYL. I am a dirty thief, I know :Smokin:

Thanks for the tips on the slimmed down packs ;) We will probably go that way with other releases. At this point we can't as we have actual physical product that is pressed and can't break it up. There is about 16 gigs of stuff on 2 Dual layer DVD's

In regards to getting some fellows here to mix our samples in their stuff at this time we wont as that means giving stuff away for free ;) I think and hope the demo songs we have provided on the player are clear enough to hear them in action with quite a variety of tempos and styles. From fast thrash of Trivium to Messhugga and the Disturbed styles .

Yes I agree that there many that do have some solid samples, But I am always into change. I have a rule in my productions that I try to go by which is to only use the same sample at the most in 1 or 2 productions if I can help it or else I feel like I am being lazy and don't want to cookie cutter my own productions. That is why I always need new sounds - it challenges me to create all the time.

Here is a link to our youtube account as we tracked a drum solo then sound replaced it to show some dynamics and just the close mics only.

holy fuck this site looks 100% like the toontrack site ;-)=
AND it starts out with a bleed ripoff riff.
Toontrack has a great layout for sure !! ;) Actually most of the demo songs up are "derivatives" of major artists , there are a couple of self creations. The main things is to showcase the sounds not the songs ;) Most of the sites I go to do the same thing , sort of sounds like metallica or helmet or rage . Just helps people hear the drums in context to a familiar style.

how many hits for each drum? and how many dynamics layers? crack, hard, medium, soft hits? because some of the samples on your site have that machine gun sound going on

this is relevant to my interests because I am growing quite tired of the slate toms
how many hits for each drum? and how many dynamics layers? crack, hard, medium, soft hits? because some of the samples on your site have that machine gun sound going on

this is relevant to my interests because I am growing quite tired of the slate toms

I hear machine gun sounds on "Traevium" on the toms in the intro. Pretty badly.

I'm also somewhat interested in this, but I'd be even more interested in just having the samples in .tci as a download.

On the other hand, 25$ for international shipping (as in, Finland)? That doesn't sound so bad. Then again, taxes?
how many hits for each drum? and how many dynamics layers? crack, hard, medium, soft hits? because some of the samples on your site have that machine gun sound going on

this is relevant to my interests because I am growing quite tired of the slate toms

Sorry for the late reply guys ! We have the snares in 2 separate gogs or TCI files - The cracks will either be 1 or two layers of 6 hits each layer - A hard and sometimes a medium , You will laugh but when we were sampling sometimes Igor hit the snare way too hard ;) So They clipped a little and I didn't want to use them .Now the second snare file will be the regular snare hits which are 7 layers with 6 hits each for each layer - 42 total light to hard samples per gog or TCI . This goes for the tom hits as well . The Kicks are just hard hits with 6 multi samples each.

Regarding the machine gun sound, due to my own production tastes. It is my Fear Factory / Ministry influence Kicking in ;) All the hits on the demo songs are just the hardest 6 hits. We do have on the site now a drum only demo showing some of the dynamics of the snare and Toms. It i also on youtube , something we tracked quickly in the back end of the control room.

Hey guys just to let you know our introductory Sale price will end by Jan 7 th , We are also going to be having a download of one sample set for you guys to try out in the next day or so.
