Iommi Hughes, Evergrey & Metal Church On THE CLASSIC METAL SHOW!


The Man Behind The Mayhem
The Classic Metal Show
9p-3a EST Live

THIS WEEK ON YOUR CLASSIC METAL SHOW: After introducing everyone to some new talent last week with Eric Van Landingham and Bombay Black, it's time for us to get back into the business of bringing you the biggest names in the business. And there's literally no one bigger than Tony Iommi. He's reteamed with the "best voice in rock", Glenn Hughes, for a killer new cd called FUSED. Additionally, Glenn (and just maybe Tony) will be checking in to talk about the new CD, touring, etc.

Additionally, Metal Church guitarist Kurdt Vanderhoof has stepped away from his main project to work on something new called Presto Ballet. We're digging it, so we will bring you a new music listening party for it. Additionally, Kurdt will be in to talk about it, as well as Metal Church, the recent passing of David Wayne, and many more topics.

Finally, one of Neeley and Chris' favorite bands, Evergrey, has a brand new live DVD and CD release out called ONE NIGHT TO REMEMBER. The release is the perfect accompaniment to this band's already brilliant musical collection. Evergrey's own Henrik Danhage has contacted THE CLASSIC METAL SHOW this week, and wants to check in with the show this week, so he will be calling in from Sweden to talk about the new record and everything Evergrey!