IP search

Adult male nerds have sex more often than ordinary American blokes according to IT recruitment site JustTechJobs.com.

Following a survey of more than 7,500 male nerds it concluded that this often-maligned group has sex 108 times a year compared to the average of just 79 times.

The results have staggered those behind the survey who've concluded that it's "chic to be geek".

"We were putting together a survey so we could get a better idea of who was using our site," explained Russ Curtis, CEO of JustTechJobs.com.

"We put in a question about sex habits as a joke. But the response was definitely surprising to us."

What's more, Curtis has his own theory as to why IT men are seeing so much action.

"Think about it. If these guys are anything like I was, they were picked on and laughed at as kids, and they probably didn't kiss a girl until they were 23 years old.

"Now they have money and power and members of the opposite sex find them very alluring. You better believe they are going to take advantage of their situation," he said.

Despite its saucy conclusion, this survey is even more revealing about the state of the dotcom industry than it is about the sexual activities of IT professionals.

As the sector slides further and further into the mire, dotcoms will have to be ever more imaginative to come up with stunts to get themselves noticed.