Ipod clipping

Left click the song in iTunes> get info> options> bring down the volume adjust fader.

It sounds like its got some clippage there already.
while we are on the subject, i had a question about ipods going through speakers. Its seems that I have to crank to volume on my ipod about 85% of the way when playing through say, my car. If i go any higher than that there is alot of clipping. If i go lower than there is almost no bass or mids. I was just curious cause i thought it was my car at first, but than it happened through my PA, even with someone elses ipod.

It wouldt make sense that the ipod is digitally clipping, but it clips even when the volume on the speakers are really low
The same goes for my girlfriend's car, got to get a maximum volume of the radio to hear the ipod well.

I find it strange, this music clip only on the iPod, sounds great on other devices.
I have everything at maximum quality in the import settings in the ipod.

I had to export two versions of the same song, a version for iPod that has less gain, and a normal for the rest.

Or I'm just a noob?
iPods are designed to drive passive headphones. When you max the volume, any active or non line-level input will push the drivers too hard resulting in clipping. And they're just weak little things, man. I wouldn't think it would clip at a lower volume, but there may be a small amount of self-noise.

EDIT: Danihell, you probably have the volume limit on the pod a bit too high. That, and if you're using like a tape deck in the car, it'll have to be cranked anyway.
yes I think I have the volume limit on maximum, or close. lol.
But in other songs, it's all right, without clipping.
Or have to adjust the volume limit only for this track? think not but ...

Aux input in the radio, no tape deck, sound much cleaner than tape deck.

and thanks for helping reddog
yes I think I have the volume limit on maximum, or close. lol.
But in other songs, it's all right, without clipping.
Or have to adjust the volume limit only for this track? think not but ...

Aux input in the radio, no tape deck, sound much cleaner than tape deck.

and thanks for helping reddog

Check those little faders I told you about in iTunes whenever you have a track that clips audibly. a random couple on mine have mysteriously been cranked and it scares the bejeezuz out of me when I'm not paying attention.

That's what we're here for. Cheers mate!
Ok I'll try that.

But certainly also have to improve my pseudo mastering. liked to have a mix high and clean. (or professionals masterings only with analog gear?)

I tried to follow some rules, maximum peak at-6db on the exportation of the track to give more headroom for mastering, but still couldnt get the sound I wanted.

Or maybe there are not rules. lol
Ok I'll try that.

But certainly also have to improve my pseudo mastering. liked to have a mix high and clean. (or professionals masterings only with analog gear?)

I tried to follow some rules, maximum peak at-6db on the exportation of the track to give more headroom for mastering, but still couldnt get the sound I wanted.

Or maybe there are not rules. lol

There's really not rules, but guidelines. And if you get Ozone 4, there are only street signs. Course, watch your EQ when you do master. Any frequency over the threshold will trip your master comp and cause clipping if it is too hard on the comp.
No eq in the ipod.

I thought I had the whole spectrum of frequencies controlled in this mix.
The band liked how it sounds, and other band that already recorded in professional studios also liked and maybe i'm recording their next album.

Reddog you are a audio engineer, or just a sound enthusiast?
Got some mixes that I can hear?
No eq in the ipod.

I thought I had the whole spectrum of frequencies controlled in this mix.
The band liked how it sounds, and other band that already recorded in professional studios also liked and maybe i'm recording their next album.

Reddog you are a audio engineer, or just a sound enthusiast?
Got some mixes that I can hear?

Both, really. I love things that make noise. If I had my hard drive plugged in, I'd drop some mixes for you. As for your mastering strategy, if you did your job well, it's more than likely a hardware thing. And if it sounds good, you're doing something right, good on ya.