
Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
How cool is this:

I just downloaded last week's episode of Lost. Now I can watch it on the train journey home to kill that hour sitting idle.

Talk about time management.

Also, I downloaded "Six Shooter" -- the short movie that won the oscar last night. (Not sure how anyone ever sees these short movies?). Anyway, downloaded, and I can probably watch that tomorrow morning on the way into work.

Again, time management to the supreme. Not wasting any hours at home watching shows I otherwise taped.

Finally, I watched the trailer to Silent Hill and Click. SH is one of my fave video games, and the movie trailer looks ok (they kept that phenomenal music from the game) and with regards to Click....well, it's got Kate Beckinsale in it. :loco:

My life is on the go!
Right -- but tv shows and short movies, movie trailers etc are just fine. It's amazing just how clear the damn screen is!!! Have you seen video playback on the video iPOD? It's unbelievable.
Some dude's website. No name, no info, just random images.

By the way, she's MINE. :tickled:
Conspicuously Absent said:
is it wrong that I just scrolled past that with no interest whatsoever?
If you've scored within the last 5 minutes, then no. Otherwise...
Yeah, Silent Hill is one of my favorite game series. I'm looking forward to the movie, but as with all other movies based on videogames, I'm approaching with caution. Disappointment just seems inevitable with this sort of thing. :hopeful:
I'm with you. Not a single videogame movie has lived up to its expectations. To be honest, the Silent Hill trailer didn't even blow me away (and those are supposed to be the best bits). It looks too 'nice', whereas in reality, it should look 'nauseating'. Just like the game. There should be blood and shit dripping from the walls, and upside down crucifixions and wot not.
Get billions of video podcasts also, cuz there free, haha.

And I hope soon video game movies will have some weird ass jump-start like Comic Book movies randomly had a bunch years ago with Blade, then Spider Man and Xmen.
JayKeeley said:
I'm with you. Not a single videogame movie has lived up to its expectations. To be honest, the Silent Hill trailer didn't even blow me away (and those are supposed to be the best bits). It looks too 'nice', whereas in reality, it should look 'nauseating'. Just like the game. There should be blood and shit dripping from the walls, and upside down crucifixions and wot not.
I'm somewhat excited about the Halo trilogy, especially since Peter Jackson will play a role in its creation.