IRC Channel

If anyone's still interested in IRC I can make a channel. I'm on a pretty good network, the same network that hosts the official channel.

Ah, hell with it, I'll just make it and see if anyone shows up. port 6667, channel #Sneap

I'm pretty much always on.
Yeah, but it's not registered and there's no one in there. And seeing how no one posted for several months, I figured it was defunct... ah well.
Erm, two people are in there right now, Torniojaws is on there pretty much constantly and I'm in a lot of the time... something's broken on your end, I'm afraid.

Come on folks, let's see some more sneapsters on the IRC channel! :) IRC is a wonderful form of real-time chatting, but sadly there's very few of us on the channel. Here's a short guide for those who aren't familiar with IRC:

1. Download and install the IRC client of your choice. My all-time favourite for Windows is X-Chat's old version 2.0.10c. Here's a direct link:
2. When you first launch X-Chat, you get a Server List window. Check Edit Mode to view the editing options.
3. Click Networks: Add and name it, for example, Langochat.
4. In the Global User Info choose your nickname, username and real name. Choose a nickname that resembles your forum name so we know who's who! :)
5. Next, check the Settings for Langochat section. Click Servers: Add and change the newserver/6667 to
6. In the Join Channels field, add #sneapsters
7. Now click Connect, and shortly you should arrive at our IRC channel.
8. You can leave X-Chat running in the background even when you're not chatting. We often see people joining, typing "anyone here?" and leaving in five minutes because no-one has answered :)

See you there!
If you want an in-browser chatroom, get an IRC plugin for your browser. Splintering things like this just isn't very effective, and that new chatroom uses Flash (which rules at least one person in this thread out)...

Any o you guys still use this thing? I've just installed mIRC and im on there now... glad you're not hosted on dalnet :lol: