Iron Maiden - Dance of death


New Metal Member
Sep 4, 2003
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What does everyone think of this album?

I got it today and i thought the first 2 tracks were too familiar with those of Brave new world. The track Dance of death is gooooooodd - but imo wont ever match to the good old days of Powerslave and Seventh son

Opinions please....
For me the verdict is still out. I am listening to it now for the first time and parts are great and others just the same old same old.
But it is Iron Maiden. The use of keyboards seems unnecessary. And Shirley's production does make it sound different.
It is a pretty mellow album overall. Bruce does sing some great melodies that are not typical maiden. These are all too rare however.
It also seems they have made a conscious effort to avoid the gallop, which is fine with me.
Look, listen and post thats all I can say.

I still somehow expect Harris to come up with something new. A classic; and I guess the closest thing you get is the title track with typical Harris patterns with a bit of a twist.
I really don't know what sort of statement they are trying to make with this album. It seems unfocused and also very radio friendly (not that any commercial stations plays "metal" anymore).
I sort of expected something heavier. If you are you will be disappointed.
It's better than Brave New World. Adding a bit more of classic Maiden stuff , and better proggy-folk oriented songs ( reminds me the DiAnnos-era "Remember Tomorrow & Prodigal Son"). It's amazing
I like it a lot, some tracks are very original, others are copy/paste of old stuff, but I still like it.

The last 4 albums make much more sense now, dod is like the missing link, a strong blend of everything that was good on these last 4.
No. Brave New World was really good.

I like it better than Piece Of Mind. It's my second favorite Maiden, tied with the debut.

My faves are Powerslave and 7th Son.
Iron Maiden's Dance Of Death
Well not much could be said about this album, Dance of Death is either loved or regarded as unispired and repetitive music. I am one of those who think the second way.

First the production is not St.Anger awful but prety bad considering they have made better in their 80's and the recording technology was not that great back then. The interaction between the overly used orchestral arrangements and three guitars is very bad, once the violins kick in the 3 guitarrs get pushed back and noone can tell them.

Bruce Dickinson's vocals are below average (not considering the 2 first Maiden albuns in the 90's), i think this is not a age issue because i've seen Maiden in 2003 and it was great, his voice seems uninspired, mostly grasping and thin and not using any special lines or vocal experties unlike his predecessor BNW which had great Bruce moments. In this album Bruce didn't beat the 3 guitars and orchestra and it's not the production fault.

Last of all this album is not classic normal Iron Maiden music. Same old intros and outros making Fear of the Dark the first in its Maiden genre. Sometimes is good(1 or 2 songs) but in 3/4 of the album gets old. Maybe there's somes a couple of songs that standout like Rainmaker and even Pashendale, of course if Journeyman was a original idea for all Maiden members it would be great, but it has been done in Bruce solo albuns with greater impact.

But its not all bad althogh it's not perfect it has some great chorus, riffs, harmonies and i like to hear Bruce yelling No more lies.

This Maiden fan is way too critical towards one of his favorite bands. :)
As a Maiden fan myself I think this album could have been better..bruce's voice doesn't seem as powerfull as it was or is it just me ?
still waiting for a better album then Number of the beast or Seventh son of a Seventh son...atleast this album is better then brave new world
Yeah, Bruce's voice sounds a little weak here. He still pushes himself which is cool, but his more 'normal' non choral/operatic vocals sound kinda unstable. Tis a good album, some of Maiden's best riffing for years, definately, but I still prefer Brave New World. BNW had a little more character than this one, although DoD is definately movement in a good direction.