IRON MAIDEN: Death On The Road artwork revealed


Iron In The Soul
Apr 1, 2002
IRON MAIDEN.Com has posted the cover for the "Death On The Road" DVD/CD pack:

So awesomely wicked!!! I spent a whole weekend reorganizing my art shop in my garage. I build my own drafting table/easle. Now I get to do some serious artwork again. It's been too long between paintings!! And of course, another MaidenS piece is in the works!! This time this one will be in color!
Metallicat180 said:
Woah, that is pretty cool!!!!! Still not a patch on the old Riggs stuff tho!!

Well, no one can beat the master at his own game. That's what's so thrilling about Derek having done our cover.
I truly hope one day that Maiden and Derek join forces again. Wouldn't that be ultimate reunion? :hotjump:
I hath always loved Iron Maiden artwork - this one so rocks.
Love the horses' headdressing, and the advertising on the front of the coach.
I hope death on the road finds it's way to Vancouver soon.....
kewl! i really enjoyed the Dance of Death show so i'm looking forward to this- bruce was very animated and the songs are very dramatic live. but hey, is the cd just the studio version?
Thanks to Gor of for this interesting bit of info on the upcoming live release from Maiden.

"The artist behind it is Melvyn Grant. I got in contact with him recently for another matter through Maverick (the Iron Maiden Commentary webmaster) and Mel finished off his email to him with the enigmatic phrase "I have now done 3 covers for Maiden".

I grabbed the opportunity and mailed him back and I asked about the "umbilical chord" sticking out of Eddies body. Here is the part of his answering email that refers to that subject:

"At this time I can't say more on the third cover as it is still early days.
But one thing, I had not seen it as an umbilical cord, more as 'intestine'.
When you see the rest of the painting, it will become clearer.
" we know all that stuff about it having to do with the SSOASS cover was bogus. We also know that we haven't seen the whole artwork yet..."

So there's more to come on this work - looking forward to finding out what! :headbang: