Iron Maiden Glasgow 15/12/06


Epic Metaller
Aug 8, 2006
Frankfurt, Germany
Just preparing another thread for some piccys :D Really looking forward to seeing the boys again and although I'm shuddering at the thought of seeing Laura Harris :yuk: I'm actually quite looking forward to Trivium...well...solong as they play stuff from the last album (thrash :headbang: ) and not the earlier ones (metalcore :puke: ).

:headbang: :kickass: Tis gonna be one fucking awesome night :headbang: :kickass:
I dunno if i said it already on this forum but Lauren Harris was much much better than her myspace songs i heard.. they were all girly pop rock whereas at Cardiff she was much more metal and rocking and the solos were pretty kewl. The last song having a nice Wolfsbane style, and in fact the guitarist had a fair wolfsbane style going on a lot of the time (Wolfsbane being Blaze's first band ;) )

Trivium i think may have split their old and new stuff 50/50ish possibly, not sure though as i don't know many of their songs! But they sounded shite on all of them really :lol: Their harmonies sounded horribly discordant which wasn't good!
I saw Maiden in Birmingham, best gig I've ever been to!

Lauren Harris was surprisingly good, a big improvement of when I saw her during the summer in Dublin, she's really learned how to work the crowd.. You could even describe her as a female version of Bruce :)

I'm embarrassed to say, I really enjoyed Trivium. For the first time I could actually see where all the "next Metallica" tags had come from, they really went out and grabbed the crowd by the balls, and I enjoyed their set. Caught their guitarists plectrum too which was nice :)

Maiden were killer. My third time seeing them and it was by far the best, they're like a fine bottle of wine, they improve with age :headbang: Bruce's voice was the best I've ever heard it live, and there was so much energy on stage. The stage set was as always amazing, maybe even one of the best this time, and of course the songs did not fail to rock my Irish socks off. I was front row for the whole gig with my Irish flag, and both Dave and Steve saw it and smiled and nodded at me, which was cool! And I caught Dave's plectrum that he used for the Longest Day :worship:

Some of my pics (taken on a disposible camera)











Wow those are some seriously shit hot pix. I was at Maiden...I was on the 2nd row. Since the start and by the time Maiden get on I could only bare one song before having to get the fuck out of the squash/surge/elbows in my face so as a result my Maiden pics are crappy cos I was too far away.

But the gig itself was awesome. Trivium were a let down and Glasgow practically booed them off the stage which I thought was a little harsh. Laurren Harris wasn't as good as Rory is making out but she was so hot I don't think anyone cared how she sounded! Plus her guitarist was pretty sweet. Maiden were just so so good though. Not only do they REALLY know how to put on a good show with searchlights and Eddie coming out of a tank and all that, but they just sound so much tighter than most bands are live. Each song sounds so very well rehearsed...fantastic stuff. Probably my 3rd best gig ever. :headbang: