Iron Maiden hits Chicago!!! Yes!!!!!

I'm not buying mine 'till Saturday and I'm gonna shoot for either section 111 or 102. I bet you a million bucks I'll have no problem getting them either.
Yeah, I have ZERO desire to be on the floor for a show like this......

The lower 100's is where to be, as it is level to the stage.

Well, seeing as I'll be in the middle of teaching a class when the presale starts tomorrow, I'm at the mercy of what my buddy Axel does on his own. I saw the AMoLaD tour show from the floor at the Allstate and had a great view, no asshats in the crowd (once a few of them were dispatched before Maiden came on), and saw an excellent set... So we'll see what happens, I guess...
Section 102 again through the HOB presale. Nearly identical seats to where I was for Heaven & Hell/Megadeth last year. It took a long time to find those seats - it was only giving me sections in the 100 level in the back of the arena, or second row balcony seats in 211.

FYI - tall people can still stand in front of you in the seated sections. Happens to me all the time, since I'm only 5'6 or so.

This show is going to absolutely :rock:!
With large shows....I would rather be a little higher up and equal to the stage than on the floor. Nothing worse than being stuck behind tall people. Money not well spent.

My solution to this is get your ass there early and get on the barrior...there is nothing better than Maiden from the front of the venue.