Iron Maiden On TV!

My first thought upon hearing Natasha Bedingfield was "baby, you were born about 30 years too late."

I am blown away by the musicianship of the Gipsy Kings... just listening to their music is an adventure!

And now Maiden takes the studio.....Bruce speaks some truth, and Nicko and Steve are funny together.... and now, Adrian, Dave and Janick get a turn to talk...

Brighter Than A Thousand Suns to start! And they are tearing it up, with Nicko mugging for the camera like usual....

Hallowed Be Thy Name! I like this.. a good mixture of old and new...

I wonder if they actually went into this cold, without a lot of warmup

And a great parting quote by Bruce: Somedays you're the pigeon, somedays you're the statue, but if you can you should only do the things you love."

Fucking true that.
Is anyone here who tivoed it computer savy? Could you burn me a dvd of this? I really want to see this... thanks

I will give it a shot 4 you

I went to tivo it, and found out I didnt have sundance channel,
got it added and tivo'd it.

I am transferring it to my pc right now (huge, huge file) than I will try to burn it on dvd

It was freaking awesome

Murrays levels were a little low, but drums sounded great...
Bruce was amazing as usuall.

I wish they could have played more tracks, but I will take the 2, as a prized possesion.

Shot in a Similiar to metallica's dvd.. run through.. on st. anger
but much better