The Iron Maidens On TV!

todd stock

New Metal Member
Dec 13, 2004

The Iron Maidens self titled TV program will apear on Comcast cable on Sat. Dec. 18th @ 3:00 pm across Los Angeles CA.

To see The Iron Maidens perform live with Aja Bruce Lee Chickenson for the first time, see the true dynamic which lies within the band and video's from the boy band Iron Maiden tune in! To confirm where The Iron Maidens will air call Comcast cable at (323) 993-8000.

Maidens TV is where it's at! So do what you gotta do to demand more of it. Scream loud, jump in to the fuckin' air!

You gotta fight for your Maidens TV!
Red Shirt said:
Any info on if Time Warner or Direct TV is airing the show?

I'm going to call the number because I have Time Warner. If I find out anything, I'll post it!

Stay fierce Maidens!! :rock:
Hey Todd,

I called the number that you posted and they told me to call you or Lindsey at (323) 953-8167. So, will you all be airing on the Time Warner system?

Thanks for posting the announcement. I'm sure all of us Maiden-s BB'ers would love to see the show.