To All The Sick U.S. Maidens Fans

todd stock

New Metal Member
Dec 13, 2004
Yes, there are many sick Maidens fans across America. From Dixie to the true Sick Mother Fuckers in New York City.

If you want The Iron Maidens TV in your home town you have to air it on public access yourself.

Once you get a following from this The Maidens will come to your home town and you won't have to drive from FL. to CA. like the true SMF's did.

So call your cable company, sign up to produce on public access and ask me to send you The Maidens tape.

EMail me @:

Is that too hard for you or were the 30 views and 0 replys from Madagascar where they don't have public access?
Hey Todd,

Thanks for the info. I'm sure that there will be some of us BB'ers who would love to take that on. So I'll let you know when I need that tape!! ;)