Iron Maiden recording diary

Thanks dude. Just read through it all! Nice insight into the recording of the album and the surrounding time. I'm a bit concerned from that, that Maiden has become a Bruce side show :|

Interesting to see hear about the reverb battle :p I'm pretty sure I'd agree with Adrian, but then again we dont want everything turning out like "silver and gold" :D.
Makes for a an insightful read. I'm surprised they seemed to mix it so quickly. You get the felling that if they were more pushed that they could have recorded the whole thing in half the time though.
I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't more info on gear and suchlike. But it's cool to hear how it works out for Maiden day to day in the studio.

I'll agree with Adrian that some of the songs on the new album are a bit dry and raw. Brave New World had great production and Kevin really hasn't quite hit that standard again since then.
I don't know if it's mainly Kevin's mixes or not, I mean I don't know if he's pushed to mix like this. To me they don't sound so great, seems like he's forced to produce average mixes that appeal the Harris/band.
Actually I never heard a kevin shirley's mix that I'm so in love with.