I have tried this regularly and it does work amazingly well. First thing in the morning, cut up a clove of garlic into small tic tac sized pieces. Put them on the back of your tongue and swallow with a glass of water. Do it again before bed. Then the next morning do it again. It should be better by that night. If not, do it once more and I guarantee that you'll wake up the next morning feeling good as gold.

The nasal douche sounds just awful :lol:
I will try it just for the farts....:lol:
That's a woosy way of taking garlic (makes your farts reek too). Just peel a clove and eat it.

Bugs don't survive that very well.

How the fuck do you do that?

First couple times you get to track your entire intestinal system as it runs through...pretty uncomfortable. Then it's OK.

Nowhere anything like pouring 50 grammes of Cayenne pepper into a bottle of vodka, steeping for 8 weeks and then having a dessert spoon full.
First couple times you get to track your entire intestinal system as it runs through...pretty uncomfortable. Then it's OK.

Nowhere anything like pouring 50 grammes of Cayenne pepper into a bottle of vodka, steeping for 8 weeks and then having a dessert spoon full.

packed my bag and ready to roll... hope i run into at least one of you Sydneysiders from here on the night:rock::kickass:
I have had a bad throat since christmas Day, have had 6 rounds of antibiotics and endless blood tests, stop being a fucking bitch and get on with it :P

Hay, I'm not being a fucking bitch, I just wont to have a fucking good time.

Having a soar throat at a Maiden concert ain't going to be fun so I'm trying to find a quick solution to my problem.

It's not too much to ask is it, without some smart comment.
It might be, ask someone smart not me

On a related note though, gargle warm salty water every couple hours, it gets rid of all the shit hanging on your tonsils, or better yet get betadine gargle, and do what it says on the bottle
Hows ya throat now, Maiden1?

All week I've been listening to Maidens *A REAL LIVE DEAD ONE* ALBUM

With the warm salty water, Medithroat Gargle, and two weeks of Soothers I might of just killed whatever I had, so thanks people for your help.

I am so ready for this concert, I do think this will be the best of the Australian tour, of the world tour.....:rock: *only time will tell*

Well peoples, tonight is the night....Tonight's the night I get to use my GOLDEN TICKET...NOT A Gold ticket but A GOLDEN TICKET A *Somewhere Back In Time* 2008 ticket.

You see people 23 years ago *Somewhere Back In Time* I had A GOLDEN TICKET. A ticket for the 84-85 World Slavery Tour in Canberra...But because I got stoned 10 minutes before the concert/show I missed it.

Now, 23 years in the future IRON MAIDEN bring a show called *Somewhere Back In Time*...even my back patch is the Slavery patch which has the pyramid on it...Its like I'm getting a second chance at seeing the concert I missed and so wanted to see.

This is why this concert is so important to me as a MAIDEN FAN...I will be *Somewhere Back In Time*....I will be on a high tonight...BUT not from the smoke:Smokin: or any other :kickass:beverage's...NO..I will be high on life...I will be singing tonight and I will be singing..."666 THE ONE FOR YOU AND ME. I'M COMING BACK I WILL RETURN".....:rock:

This means so much to me...This IRON MAIDEN CONCERT will fill that hole in my heart that I have had for the past 23 years. SEE YOU TONIGHT...:rock:


CHEERS:kickass: maiden1
This means so much to me...This IRON MAIDEN CONCERT will fill that hole in my heart that I have had for the past 23 years. SEE YOU TONIGHT...:rock:


CHEERS:kickass: maiden1

There is nothing more to be said. I think that just sums up how we all feel
Nah, just saying they'll be back much sooner. Probably next year.

There are rumours that it'll be Big Day Out, but Bruce said last night that the same promoter as this tour (Paul Dainty) will be handling it, which apparently rules out BDO (I have it on video, just can't upload it!).