Iron Savior - Condition Red


Mar 26, 2002
Portland, Oregon
Heh! This was a fun album. For the original reivew just follow this link; Iron Savior Review


Iron Savior represent the reason why so many people dislike power metal, and why so many people got into power metal back in the 80's. I'm not making anything thing up when I say that power metal has evolved over the past decade. With a few exceptions (like Primal Fear) power metal has shown all the necessary signs of growth and maturity that a genre requires in order to continue on.

What Iron Savior have done with their new album Condition Red is very impressive. I've never heard so many different 80's influences on an album before. Condition Red is chalk full of glam grandeur, spandex spirit, and bald leather wearing lead singer(s) as you can possibly get. The only thing that is really missing is the cat scratch high pitched wailing of some poor guy whose spandex are a wee bit too tight.

I kid you not. You will be treated to flavors ranging from the Scorpions to Iron Maiden, to Whitesnake, and to even Stryper. A rolled up dollar bill never looked so cool in your nose before. Iron Savior is here to bring the powder back into metal (maybe there was no actual drug use, but hey, it's a good excuse as to what went on).

You'll be dazzled by the over the top production that was once only found in the mid to late 80's, along with that classic sparkling clean and clear lead guitar work. Iron Savior's production is so clean in fact, that you can use any Condition Red album as your mirror, to inhale some of that sweet sweet sugar.

There has never been such an 80's compilation like this. If you have ever wondered just what kind of music your older brother or maybe even your Father were into when they were your age, pick this hot little gem up. On the other hand, if you want to relive your past glory days again, or just need to be overwhelmed by the nostalgia that each songs has compressed within, Iron Savior's Condition Red is your ticket.

Be warned! Lurking somewhere on Condition Red is the notorious antichrist of the 80's: The Power Ballad.

Good luck soldier.

Rating: 2/5: Iron Savior. Two words that should strike fear into your hearts, and just might bring tears to your eyes.


No, really.

Originally posted by Spudd
I'm not making anything thing up when I say that power metal has evolved over the past decade. With a few exceptions (like Primal Fear) power metal has shown all the necessary signs of growth and maturity that a genre requires in order to continue on.

Damned spot on, Mr.Potatohead. I had to read this twice to be sure of what you're saying. And I lump Iron Savior in with bands like Primal Fear for what NOT to do to "grow" a genre (though admittedly, power metal is a tough genre to grow).

A rolled up dollar bill never looked so cool in your nose before.

Now THAT was fucking funny.

Nice review, keep 'em coming.
Power metal is a tough genre to be apart of. My hat goes off to those who can make it sound good, cause when they do, it sounds great.

I hadn't heard any Iron Savior before Condition Red so I went into with a clean slate.

Hehe, glad you liked my "coke" gad. It just fit the music so well. High and flying.

I can tell you this. Based on your review, you don't *need* to hear any more Iron Savior. They're all the damned same anyway. Kinda like Primal Fear, the other band whose popularity escapes me.
I like IS and PF for no reason really but the power ballads are not needed. Though I think the only reason they put em on the albums is to get women to like the band. Am I wrong? I don't see any metalhead DEMANDING to hear power ballads. hehe. Although they do make for good breathers at shows...give you time to pull someones boot out of the back of your skull.