Irony points + 1, 000, 000!


One thing I find odd is the presumption that some people should be exempt from profiling (however ludicrous) based on status. The article says:

Last month, America's Continental Airlines apologised to APJ Abdul Kalam amid outrage in India when it emerged that the former Indian president had been frisked and made to remove his shoes at Delhi airport in April.

Do politicians and movie stars somehow deserve a greater right to their privacy not being violated at airports? Being taken aside and questioned like a suspect is a terrible thing to happen to anyone, and the average person has as much right to be upset as any leading social figure.

I saw plenty of people getting frisked and their shoes removed at various airports when I flew overseas.
I've been questioned and stuff before... LOTS of times all over the world and all i can say is i don't mind taking 10mins out of my life if it stops my ass getting blown up!
yeah and the airport ryanair calls Vienna is in Bratislava/Slovakia :loco:.

Haha, gotta love that.

Granted, there is nothing glamorous about Newark (as I type from the homicide squad of the Prosecutor's office here :), but the airport is the safest place you can be in Brick City.
