IRs tests (6505 and 5153) - what's your preference?


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
Hi guys,

I was reamping some guitar tracks today and I was playing around with impulses. For once in my life, I am quite happy with some of the following tones. Some are not bad at all... at least to me!

Here are 5 clips. The first 3 ones are quite similar but have different flavor. The 2 others are totally different. Guitar left: 6505 l Guitar right: 5153 50w. Both into GAP Pre73 and both have TS808 in the chain.

There are not exactly raw as I put a LPF at 12kHz and a HPF at 60Hz on each of the 2 tracks and VCC + a slight EQ on the guitar buss (jpeg included) I would like to know which one sounds better to you (music style is a part of the equation of course) and if you really hate some tones, I would also like to know why (of course I have my own preference but I don't have enough experience to take it into consideration)

Thanks for listening!
It's hard to judge outside of a mix. After the first listen i can not really say that i like any of them..the first 3 are more clear and sticking out but also sounding a bit thin at the bottom (reminds me of some marshall tones). Clip 4 is sounding more fat but also too cloudy for my taste but better EQed it could be the best one i think. Clip 5 sounds like a mix of clip 4 and 1/2/3. But in my opinion its not the best of both worlds.

I would try to get a tighter bottom end with clip 4 but without drastic lowcutting like on 1/2/3. and getting a bit more prescence.

But with drum/bass my intention could be totally wrong..

Are these ToneHound+Torpedo?
I like the tones, they seem pretty awesome. I feel like the first 3 would be my favorite, they don't seem too boomy like the 4th one. They also just had more of a character I liked and I wouldn't be able to really choose between the first three because they are so similar. The 5th one I am feeling neutral about. It would be nice to hear them in a mix though.

The tone is nice and tight and sounds similar to what my guitar tone is when I jam.
Balancing solid low end and clarity is extremely difficult to get for me (and I guess for many) I quickly fall into muddyness and harshness/fizzyness. I took time to deal on the amps but to be perfectly honest I don't know what frequencies are generaly sucked when mixing. I find myself cutting around 200-400Hz and always in the 2-4.5kHz area. Sometimes around 500-700Hz too but I'm quite prudent when doing this. Anyway, I reEQd the "clip 4" and made a bass tone (the drums are not mixed yet as this is just a test):

Guitars: 4.mp3
Both: 4 + BASS.mp3

As for details... Bass is SVX with Ampeg 8x10 impulse. I added some little distortion with Metal Amp Room (tried it with PSA1 but it didn't work this time). Guitars are reamped with my Daccapo (followed the advices in the MickRich 'Xamp/Daccapo' thread and I don't regret it!). Impulses are 2 Mesa OS including Asem Recto V30 L2 for the clip 4. The other ones (clips 1, 2, 3) are Torpedo Engl left side, Marshall right side with slightly different mic placements. L1 in the 2buss.
The guitars still sound on the cloudy side but all my attemps to fix that have resulted in a thin tone at least to my ears. Feel free to make suggestions, to guide me or simply bash my shit :D
I find the new clip 4 better. But i don't really know how to help you, not only why i don't know what tone you want to achieve.

The last weeks i recognised that the IR plays one of the biggest role. It doesn't matter how i post EQed them..if the IR isn't awesome the result won't it be too. I always used Redwirez but since mickrich comes up with this one i exclusively use the first IR of that post. Now i find all other IRs sounding like fart =D But it has the poweramp captured. So as it is you should only use it with a preamp. I substracted the poweramp part so i could use my real one.
When you use IRs most of your time you should try that one with your 5150 preamp. Of course post EQ is needed but the IR sounds very deep solely. I add quite a bit of highs. But i find that i'm doing that with every IR i use...maybe i am highs-addicted :D
If you like that one with your preamp i could edit it so that it matches your setup.