6505 5153 comparison


Aug 2, 2007
Comparison of Peavey 6505 and EVH 5150III 50wt.
TS808 boost. Apogee Ensemble TB interface. 2xsm57 fredman (on and off axis). Don NV73 mic pre.
Last bit is 6505 left and EVH right. Cab and mic positions at the end.
All leads are EVH.
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Definitely liking the 5153 more, smoother distortion and a little edgier. It is also chunkier as well.

Both have great qualities.
I always let a (metal) band try both and the Triple Rectifier.
It's about a 3 way split, as what gets used.
I'm really loving the EVH, cuz of the mean grit it has. What do you think of the unboosted 3rd channel vs boosted 2nd?