Irvine Meadows video footage is in!!!


Dec 16, 2002
Dan sounds killer!!!


to me , this stuff just sounds like he's yelling. But I think the Bush stuff would sound better.
He's good, I envy him...

It was funny towards the end of "Caught In A Mosh" he just doing some Far Beyond Driven shyt with it! lol

I still miss Joey though :(
well he's not John Bush, which totally sucks.

but he's not Joey Belladonna, which doesn't suck.

I can see how people compare him to Phil Anselmo now, he does sort of seem like Phil lite.

But he seems like he can bring it though, I'd like to hear how he sounds on Hy Pro Glo, or Fueled, but I really want to hear the new stuff, to see what he sounds like on his own instead of comparing him to Joey or John.

now they need to come to Cleveland damnit.
dan nelson is fucking awesome!:headbang::worship:kickass:

bye bye john bush:Smug::rolleyes:

bye bye belladonna:rolleyes:

Dan hasn't proved nothing yet except he can be a weak copy, maybe he's trying to hard. maybe needs alittle time to find his own place. I have high hopes for the kid but time will tell.
I loved Dan Nelson! What an exciting singer. He had the crowd going nuts at Irvine last night.
I loved Dan Nelson! What an exciting singer. He had the crowd going nuts at Irvine last night.

LOL yeah the crowd was going so nuts there wasn't even a PIT going. If you were there you would know the crowd was half assed into Anthrax. Dan tries too hard to imitate Phil Anselmo IMO. But what ever floats your boat. Anthrax will never be the same.

LOL yeah the crowd was going so nuts there wasn't even a PIT going. If you were there you would know the crowd was half assed into Anthrax. Dan tries too hard to imitate Phil Anselmo IMO. But what ever floats your boat. Anthrax will never be the same.

Sigh ...

OK, I'm a small female, so I've never considered, "Golly ... is there a *PIT*?!?!*" to be the litmus test of whether a crowd is into a band. Until they have pits by Weight Class, I'll be staying out of them anyway.

From where I was sitting, about 50 rows back, people were going batshit, having an awesome time.

Again, considering: (1) Anthrax wasn't the headliner, (2) the last 1/3 of the arena didn't fill up until Maiden started, and (3) Anthrax's set was really much too short, they were very well received -- far better than when I saw them at a Priest concert in Long Beach a few years back. Dan sounded great and worked the crowd with ease. I look forward to hearing more from him.

I've always thought Anthrax was OK, but after Saturday night, I think they're awesome, and I'll start paying a lot more attention to their work. How can *that* be wrong?

"Tries too hard to be Phil Anselmo". I was a diehard Pantera fan, and at the risk of blasphemy, I actually think this li'l dude sounds *better* than Phil in some ways. He didn't seem to be "trying"; he's actually that good. I'm just delighted to be in the presence of a new, good, powerful, personable, dead-on-pitch metal singer.

"If you were there ..."

Oh, *I* see ..... If I didn't have precisely the experience and reaction *YOU* did, I must not have been at the same concert, Mr. Metaller-Than-Thou? :Smug:

But you worship your way; I'll worship mine.
ironmaidenfan09 should get off this board and go elsewhere. His only purpose here is to lie and deceive and if he's not a fan he has NO business posting here. For those of us who were at these shows this weekend, we know the truth! Anthrax fucking owned!
OK, I'm a small female, so I've never considered, "Golly ... is there a *PIT*?!?!*" to be the litmus test of whether a crowd is into a band. Until they have pits by Weight Class, I'll be staying out of them anyway.

You missed a hella great time then!! Sat. night was AWESOME!! Pabla and I were right on the barrier and it was great! I kept screaming Medusa!!! I so wanted to hear Belly of the Beast and Medusa, short but great set none the less! Dan did a great job! Good front man, love the raspy, rough vox, fits very well with Anthrax. See you guys next time you're in LA!!:headbang::headbang: