Is Anders Frieden Transforming Into Jonathan Davis?

The Scourge

Suicide Machine
May 26, 2003
Drowning in a sea of addictions
Hey guys, I am going on an assumption here that many Katafans are also In Flames fans; at least from old to mid-period anyways. But I just saw the video for The Quiet Place, and I am most disappointed. This surprises me considering I really did like R2R, but this song is just junk. It is comprised of a simple riff, simple measure, and is simply nu-metal, with Anders giving the world the best Jonathan Davis imitation I have ever heard (or seen judging by the way he looks and sings on the vid). I was just curious to hear your thoughts about the In Flames scandal.
Its one thing to change or "mature" in your musical career. It's another thing though to flat out revamp your sound and look in an obvious attempt to gain popularity in other genres that are cashing in at the moment.

Scourge, i seen the video too, and i know exactly what you're talking about. He acts just like Davis in that video in some parts.
Chasm said:
Its one thing to change or "mature" in your musical career. It's another thing though to flat out revamp your sound and look in an obvious attempt to gain popularity in other genres that are cashing in at the moment.
A change is a change. And money is good. They haven't done a good album since The Jester Race anyway. If you're making crap anyway, why not at least make money with it?
Windom Pearl said:
A change is a change. And money is good. They haven't done a good album since The Jester Race anyway. If you're making crap anyway, why not at least make money with it?

HAHAHA That's good!!!! :tickled: :D :tickled: :D
That is. I heard In Flames' last album and it sounds like Korn to me.. and I don't like Korn at all. But the album doesn't sound that bad.. there are a few good songs.. I don't know.. not what I expected maybe but it's ok, heh. I don't care that much. :Smug:
It's no surprise to me. I saw In Flames live after R2R came out and it was ridiculous. They were all wearing matching jump suits and Anders kept doing that retarded nu-metal torso thrust the whole time. It's pretty clear what In Flames are intending to do with their new direction but I just don't really give two shits about them anymore, so they can become the next Korn or whatever they're trying to do.
donkho said:
and now you will say that St. Anger was awesome????

fuck off

Why don't you guys meet in real life and kill each other? that could be good fun! :tickled: And then the rest of us didn't have to read yuor stupid argument about different musical taste! :loco:
Well, when I created this thread, I didn't mean for a venomous battle to ensue, rather to just gather thoughts and opinions on In Flames current musical direction. But shit happens, as I am a veteran myself, in foreign (e)war territories :)
This thread reminds me of the Opeth board, so much anger and bitching about differences in taste.

I never liked much In Flames, but people shouldn't bitch about them changing their musical direction. Look what band's forum we're on! Granted, Katatonia didn't seem to do it for popularity or $ :)
Why is it that as bands gain popularity their musical skills get worse? So many bands have fallen victim to this and In Flames is just another one of them that will soon be lumped together will all the nu metal and other trend bands. I recently heard a few songs from the new album, and all I can say is that its absolutely horrible. But if you like nu metal and boring music you might like it.
This is probably not the case in every band, but I know that band member's taste in music changes just like everyone else's does. Do you think In Flames would want to do the same thing they started off with all those years ago, and keep on doing if forever and ever without even trying to do something different? I think it would get boring writing the same style of music for 10+ years.

I guess I found R2R to be pretty good, they focused more on melodies with vocals instead of just on guitars, you either like that or you don't. I think that the new album has a lot more energy than their last few they have made. their sense of melody they've always had is still there as well, just focused in different places. I haven't seen the music video for the said song, but whatever. I don't let my opinion of a band be swayed by how they decide to market themselves. I doubt they consciously would change their sound and look soley on the fact that they want to make more money, that's not a virtue that people like them grew up holding in high regards.
Whadawookie said:
This is probably not the case in every band, but I know that band member's taste in music changes just like everyone else's does. Do you think In Flames would want to do the same thing they started off with all those years ago, and keep on doing if forever and ever without even trying to do something different? I think it would get boring writing the same style of music for 10+ years.

I guess I found R2R to be pretty good, they focused more on melodies with vocals instead of just on guitars, you either like that or you don't. I think that the new album has a lot more energy than their last few they have made. their sense of melody they've always had is still there as well, just focused in different places. I haven't seen the music video for the said song, but whatever. I don't let my opinion of a band be swayed by how they decide to market themselves. I doubt they consciously would change their sound and look soley on the fact that they want to make more money, that's not a virtue that people like them grew up holding in high regards.
For the most extent, I agree with you here. I certainly do respect as well as expect bands to hone and develop their sound as they progress and evolve as musicians. No way would I want a band to repeat the same album ten times (i.e. Slayer, AC/DC). But In Flames is a different breed of creature. Just so you know, I really did like R2R, and I have heard Soundtrack To Your Escape. About half of the songs on there are quite good(some even sound like leftovers from Colony) but some are just laughably awful. I can't say that they sold out. IMHO, I think that they are simply a product of Americanization. With all of the touring with the nu-metal creme de la creme like Mudvayne and Slipknot, I think the side effects have finally begun to inspire their song writing. Again, I don't think they sold out, I just think they have become Americanized and are perhaps trying to reconcile the commercial simplicity of said genre with their own inimitable writing style. At least this is my revised conclusion after hearing Soundtrack To Your Escape .