Thats a stupid comparison, you could sit 10 punters down and they'd be able to instantly visually differentiate between the resolution of those two mediums - you can sit down 10 regular people and they'd fail to sonically differentiate between MP3 and FLAC - many research studies show this. On top of this video is always encoded into a lossy format for distribution - even when you watch a Blu Ray you're not watching a raw lossless format.
Anyone whose ever done any actual research into MP3 as a medium would know that it's actually an incredibly clever way of encoding music and it's geared up to make differentiation as inaudible as possible at higher bit rates using psychoacoustic modelling designed to exploit genuinely physical limitations such as auditory masking and removing elements of the frequency spectrum the ear cannot process. Also lets not kid ourselves in the realm of DAC either - due to the refinement of circuitry over the last ten or so years that DAC in anybodies iPhone is probably infinitely more accurate than even a professional converter from the 90's that everybody made your favourite records on.
Maybe there are people here that have put in enough critical listening hours to differentiate but I recall a test of that a few years ago and a lot of the mid to low level guys had trouble differentiating between 256 upwards and WAVs without resorting to frequency analysers - now if you can put in 2-3000 hours of critical listening (and lets face it no self described 'audiophile' will have clocked this) and still find it difficult to accurately differentiate then that's an incredibly designed storage medium - let's give credit where credits due and stop shitting on something just because you heard a poorly encoded 96kbps MP3 sample on Myspace back in the day.